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Home » » DELcovery Project Receives Funding

DELcovery Project Receives Funding

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 1/11/24 | 1/11/24

Vecc Videography, led by Jessica Vecchione and Amber Gray, has been awarded funding by the  Delaware County Opioid Settlement Committee for their innovative DELcovery project. This  project focuses on developing a multi-platform resource hub for substance use disorder and  mental health information outreach in Delaware County. 

The “opioid settlement”, in general, refers to the legal agreements and financial settlements  reached between government entities and pharmaceutical companies involved in the  production and distribution of opioids. These settlements often result from lawsuits alleging that  these companies contributed to the opioid epidemic by engaging in misleading marketing  practices or failing to properly regulate the distribution of these drugs. The funds from these  settlements are typically used to support initiatives aimed at combating the opioid crisis,  including prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts. 

The DELcovery project aims to leverage the power of social media and mobile technology to  create an accessible and comprehensive resource for those affected by substance use disorders  and mental health issues. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by rural communities like  Delaware County, where access to traditional media and health services might be limited, this  initiative seeks to establish an online platform that serves as a community hub for information  and support. 

Key features of the DELcovery project include: 

1. Comprehensive Information Hub: The project will aggregate vital resources related to  recovery services and Certified Recovery Peer Advocate programs, SUD prevention services,  trauma-informed care, and behavioral health services. 

2. Social Media Integration: Utilizing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, the  project aims to reach a broad audience, allowing for information sharing and community  engagement.

3. Mobile App Development: The DELcovery mobile app will be a central feature, offering  articles, videos, and other resources for individuals dealing with substance use disorder and their  support networks. 

4. Interactive Resource Mapping: A key component of the DELcovery mobile app is the  DELcovery Map, which will mark important resources and locations in Delaware County, aiding  individuals in their recovery journey. 

5. Education and Outreach: Through a continuous stream of articles, blogs, and videos, the  project will educate and empower the community about issues related to substance use  disorders and mental health. 

Jessica Vecchione of Vecc Videography emphasizes the commitment to making these platforms  a go-to resource for directing people to the mental health and recovery services they urgently  need. The project aims to centralize Delaware County's myriad resources, facilitating easier  access and planning for those seeking help. 

This funding and the subsequent development of the DELcovery project represent a significant  step forward in supporting the recovery community in Delaware County. DELcovery will provide a modern, accessible, and integrated approach to address the challenges of disseminating  information about substance use disorders and mental health and will help individuals quickly  find and connect to the services they need most. 

DELcovery can be found on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and a soon-to-be-released mobile  app and website, all under the username “DELcovery”. 

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