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Ashland Speaks

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 2/2/24 | 2/2/24

By Lula Anderson

Another week gone by and another week closer to Spring.  We’re finally getting the snow that we’ve been waiting for which is so beautiful to look at.  I find it hard to write while I’m looking out my windows as the beauty just draws me in and makes me daydream.  I think of how we couldn’t wait for  our chores to be done so we could go out and play in the snow.  We’d wax down the runners on our sleds with plain old candle wax to make them fly down the road.  We waited until the snowplows scraped the roads and we’d go.  Now I don’t even know if kids go out and play in the snow, except paying for it at the slopes. 

Last week Judy had an eye doctor’s appointment in Albany, so her son, Jay, took her up and from there they went to see her sister, Janet, who lives in Senior Housing.  It’s a good thing they had planned on eating in as the elevator was out and Janet wouldn’t have been able to leave.  Anyway, it was a very nice visit and I’ll probably go to see her when I go to my retina doctor.

Bill Mead had an exciting couple of weeks.  We went to Pastor Steffan’s funeral and his widow asked if he knew of a place where her grandson could stay while he was taking EMT courses in Albany.  Being Bill has an empty house and plenty of bedrooms, guess who has a roommate?  The same week, Bill’s friends from Michigan came to visit for a week and daughter, Sandy, came down.  From quiet to noisy.  Bill and Lisa went back to Michigan, Sandy went home, but Justin is still enjoying living in Jewett.

The Windham UMC Women’s group held their annual reorganizational meeting and set dates for their upcoming fundraisers.  As soon as they are set in stone, I’ll let you know.

Don’t forget the VFW February breakfast on February 18th.  I’ll remind you as time gets nearer.

Have you remembered to put the WAJ Drama Club presentation of PETER PAN on your calendars?  Senior Citizen production is March 7th.

Last fall the furnace went out at my Ashland Community Church.  We got a brand new one installed so now the church is cozy and warm and ready to welcome you to our Sunday Services.  (Someone has to pay for it.  HA)

We, seriously, invite all to attend services.  It’s nice to be able to sit and meditate with others, plus coffee hour afterwards. 

Great breakfast last Saturday in Prattsville sponsored by the Youth Group

Greene County Dept of Aging is hosting FALL PREVENTION courses courtesy of The Pines in Catskill.  On Thursday February 8 they will be at the     Jewett Nutrition Center (Rt 23C and 296) and on Thursday, February 22 in Acra.  The discussion is from 11:30 – 12.  If you would like to stay for lunch you must call at least one day in advance.  On Feb 8 the meal is a complete turkey dinner (to die for).  February 22 is  delicious meat loaf.  Call Jewett 518-263-4392 or Acra 518-622-9898.

Prayers and sympathy to the family of Ed Raeder and the Roe family.

Please remember Maya Carl’s father, Buck in your prayers.  He now needs 24/7 home care which Maya and her son are providing.  Prayers for Lisa and Jose Morrero who are traveling back and forth to New Jersey to spend as much time as possible with her father. 


As I watch that ever ugly news  , I heard about the loss of the two Navy Seals which brings back memories to myself and many of others who tragically lost family and friends with unknown circumstances, remains never returned to the families for closure.  My first memories were of Percy Partridge who was lost on the Island of Guam in the 1940’s, then of Billy Hitchcock who was lost at sea with four others in 1965 when their plane disappeared.  We can hold memorial services, but never feel really at peace with their loss.  While I write this, the news has announced that they have found an undersea image of a plane that is in the area where Amelia Earhart is said to have disappeared in 1937.  After so many years, there is still the unsolved mystery of what happened to her.  No matter the length of time in between, the pain is still there and is brought to the surface when we hear of another loss.  We pray for each and every family going through this ordeal.

When trying to remember something and it’s just not there – I’m stuck at the things we do remember.  When I hear of a person being killed by a drunk driver, my mind automatically goes back to that Sunday more than 20 years ago when I was called to go downstairs during church to be told that my sister was killed by a drunk driver at the bridge by the Game Farm.  So many years ago and it feels like yesterday.  I feel your pain.

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