Applications for the 2024 spring round of funding are now being accepted for the Stream Management Implementation Program (SMIP). Established in 2008, the SMIP is a competitive cost-reimbursement grant opportunity administered through the Schoharie Watershed Stream Management Program (SWSMP) at Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District (GCSWCD), in partnership with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).
The SMIP operates on a 5-year cycle and offers funding twice a year to implement projects, programs, or management efforts that serve to protect water quality within the Schoharie Reservoir watershed (Watershed). Funding is offered under the following categories: Education & Outreach, Highway & Infrastructure, Stream Restoration, Habitat & Recreation, Planning & Assessment, and Local Flood Analysis.
To date, 123 SMIP grants have been awarded – bringing over $5.5 million dollars to the Mountaintop’s government agencies, individual property owners, schools, and 501(c)(3) organizations in support of flood resilience, water resource improvements, and watershed-related programming. Applications are due by March 15th and September 15th every year.
For more information about SMIP and access to the SMIP application, please visit Interested applicants are encouraged to inquire with SWSMP staff to discuss project ideas prior to submitting an application. To inquire, please contact or 518-622-3620.
To be eligible for SMIP funding, projects must be located within or support the Schoharie Reservoir watershed (pictured in the image above). The Schoharie Reservoir watershed is part of the Catskill/Delaware Watershed for the New York City public water supply. The Schoharie Reservoir watershed includes the entirety of the towns of Windham, Jewett, Ashland, and Prattsville as well as the villages of Hunter and Tannersville. The towns of Conesville, Gilboa, Hunter, Lexington, Halcott, Jefferson, Stamford, and Roxbury are all partially included.
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