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Home » » M'burgh Village to Replace Sidewalks

M'burgh Village to Replace Sidewalks

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 2/29/24 | 2/29/24

By David Avitabile

MIDDLEBURGH - Middleburgh residents on three streets will be getting new sidewalks later this year.

Village board are set to approve a Request for Proposal (RFP) at their March board meeting next week to get quotes on replacing three sections of residential sidewalks on Wells Avenue, Lower Grove Street, and Danforth Avenue near the Middleburgh Fire Department, according to Mayor Tim Knight.

Funding for this project will be coming from the Village's Streets Fund. "My hope is to keep costs in the $25,000-$30,000 range, but we will see what quotes come in after the project is put out for RFP." Mayor Knight said. 

"Our intention would be to have the sidewalk replacement work done this spring and summer, so that we can kickstart our long-term goal of replacing a significant number of dilapidated sidewalks in the village's residential neighborhoods over the next five to 10 years."

Village crews have been out marking the sidewalks to be replaced with orange paint.

"DPW Superintendent Cole Keyser and his crew did an excellent job of identifying what sections of our residential sidewalks were in most desperate need of replacing," Mayor Knight added. "Depending upon where quotes come in, we are hoping to replace somewhere from 325 feet to 870 feet of sidewalk this year in the village."

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