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Home » » NYS Freshwater Wetlands Act Revisions Learn at Lunch Webinar

NYS Freshwater Wetlands Act Revisions Learn at Lunch Webinar

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 2/2/24 | 2/2/24

As Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals members, you have important responsibilities in applying environmental protections. This webinar will provide an overview of the Department of Environmental Conservation's (DEC's) current freshwater wetlands regulations and how they are enforced. It will explain the need for the regulatory revisions and outline the forthcoming regulatory changes and their effective dates. The event is February 7, 2024, Noon-1:00 online.

As background, Governor Kathy Hochul signed into law in 2022 historic revisions to New York's Freshwater Wetlands Act. Currently, DEC's jurisdiction is limited to wetlands that are equal to or greater than 12.4 acres (and certain wetlands of unusual local importance) and identified on the State Freshwater Wetlands Map. The new legislation will eliminate the map requirement beginning in 2025, and in 2028 DEC's jurisdiction will expand to wetlands as small as 7.4 acres.

The reforms will allow DEC to protect over one million acres of critically important freshwater wetlands that are currently unmapped and thousands of additional acres of smaller wetlands.

Webinar Speaker:

Krista Spohr, Environmental Program Specialist, DEC Bureau of Ecosystem Health will lead this webinar. Krista is honored to be doing the important work of educating the citizens of New York about its vital ecosystems, freshwater wetlands, and how DEC regulates them.

To register, email the NYPF Office at by 4:00 p.m. on February 5, 2024 and include your name, municipality, and email address. You will receive the Zoom link to attend on February 6th. This webinar qualifies for one training credit.

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