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Home » » Sharon Springs School Update

Sharon Springs School Update

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 2/8/24 | 2/8/24

By Tori Edwards 

SHARON SPRINGS — The students at Sharon Springs Central School are gearing up for the third quarter. 

The Future Business Leaders of America Students will be holding their Italian Night Dinner/Cake Raffle on Thursday, February 15th from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Come support the FBLA on the 15th to contribute to their fundraiser for The State Leadership Conference in Rochester. 

Congratulations to SSCS sophomore Yasmin Issa for winning the George S. and Stella M. Knight Essay Contest among all high school students in New York State. The essay has the students author an 800 to 1,200-word essay on the American Revolution, Declaration of Independence, or the framing of the United States Constitution. It is judged upon accuracy, clarity, organization, grammar, spelling, and documentation. 

Her essay is being sent to The National Sons of the American Revolution Contest to be considered for national honors. Job well done to Ms. Issa. 

To follow on recognition, SSCS has published their students Honor and Merit Rolls for the second quarter of the school year, go check it out on the Sharon Springs Central School Facebook page. 

Congratulations to those students on their success in this quarter. Keep up the hard work and Let’s Go Spartans! 

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