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Home » » Town and Village of Schoharie Ask for Input for Updated Comprehensive Plan

Town and Village of Schoharie Ask for Input for Updated Comprehensive Plan

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 2/8/24 | 2/8/24

Please Take the Town and Village of Schoharie Survey to Help Plan Our Future! It is not too late!  The Town and Village of Schoharie are in the process of developing an updated Comprehensive Plan that will guide growth and Town/Village decision making for the next 10 years. The new plan will be a blueprint to guide economic and physical growth, land use, recreation, infrastructure and community development. The existing comprehensive plan was originally adopted in 1995. As part of the update planning process, the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee has been doing extensive research into the needs and issues facing the Town and Village of Schoharie.  Public input is needed to inform the plan.  The survey will remain open until February 29, 2024. This survey is a very important way for the Town and Village to hear what concerns and ideas Schoharie residents and businesses have. This will ensure that the new Comprehensive Plan addresses our community’s needs.  

The survey has been conducted since December, and so far, about 400 people have participated.  We are seeking additional participation from those living, working, or owning property in the Village, Town and Central Bridge. The Town and Village invite all residents, businesses and landowners in the Town and Village of Schoharie to participate before the close of the survey at the end of the month.  The survey can be done either online or on paper: 

  1. ONLINE: The online survey can be found at or at 

2. ON PAPER: Stop in and pick up a copy at the Town/Village Offices at 300 Main Street in Schoharie or call Village Hall at 518-295-8500 or Town Hall at 518-295-6570 to get a paper copy

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