Delhi - Once again, the Delaware Academy Art Club will be sponsoring a Fire Hydrant Design Contest in the village. Small groups are invited to participate in this contest to design and decorate a village fire hydrant. Groups of individuals should consist of at least one responsible adult. The contest will run from now until Friday June 14, 2024. You may submit a design for approval until May 22, 2024. After June 14, 2024, all painted fire hydrants will be judged based on their category.
To obtain a design form and learn about the design requirements and restrictions, pick up the forms at the Delaware Academy High School main office, the Delhi Elementary School main office, download them from the school district “Arts” webpage, or submit a request in email to with the subject “Fire Hydrant Design Contest.” Email requests will receive an email response. There are a limited number of available fire hydrants to paint, so teams are encouraged to submit their forms quickly. Hydrants will be assigned on a first come first served basis.
There are two judged categories, “Community Pride” and “Under 14 Years Old,” and a third option (“no category”) for participants to design a fire hydrant purely for the enjoyment. A First Prize of $50.00 will be awarded in each of the two judged categories.
Delaware Academy’s student Art Club has organized the annual fire hydrant design contest in collaboration with the Village of Delhi and the Delhi Beautification Committee for “about 14 years,” according to Delaware Academy high school art teacher Brian Rolfe.
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