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Home » » LEGISLATURE STUFF - Respectful Bowing to Aging

LEGISLATURE STUFF - Respectful Bowing to Aging

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 4/25/24 | 4/25/24

By Michael Ryan

CATSKILL - This isn’t the only time elderly citizens are respected and revered although official recognition has a certain ring to it.

Greene County Legislature members, at a recent meeting, proclaimed May as “Older Americans Month” for a multitude of reasons.

They were detailed in a document read into the record by Edward Bloomer, chairperson of the legislative County Services committee and accepted by Department of Human Services deputy director Tami Bone.

“The older residents of Greene County represent a wealth of knowledge and experience and are one of the county’s most valuable resources,” Bloomer stated.

Further, “the Greene County Legislature is committed to supporting its seniors citizens by means of a vast array of programs and services.”

Those services are offered by the “Department of Human Services, Aging Division, with over one-firth of the county’s total population comprised of citizens 65 years of age or older,” Bloomer stated.

“A growing number of baby boomers are rapidly becoming older citizens and the number of individuals providing care to family members and friends is expanding significantly.

“Greene County benefits greatly from the dedication and community awareness of its senior citizens,” Bloomer stated.

“The month of May is nationally recognized as Older Americans Month and this year’s theme is “Powered by Connection.”

“Powered by Connection” highlights the profound impact that meaningful relationships and social connections have on our senior’s health and well-being.

“Greene County is aware of the vital role that connectedness plays in supporting independence and aging in place by combating isolation, loneliness and other issues.

“It is with great pleasure that we honor our senior citizens - and how we all benefit when older adults remain engaged, independent and included in their communities - and encourage them to continue to play a vital role in the Greene County community,” Bloomer stated.

In other matters:

—Lawmakers amended the county Administrative Manual related to Meal Reimbursements, Leaves (Department Heads, Managers and Management Confidential Employees with regard to Bereavement) and Unused Leave (Department Heads, Managers and Management Confidential Employees with regard to the sell-back of unused leave).

Meal reimbursement policy has not been revised in over a decade and is being updated to coincide wit the current Collective Bargaining Agreements, the resolution states.

The second paragraph of the “Meals and Lodging” section will henceforth declare that meal reimbursements for all business conducted outside of New York City will increase.

Allotments will rise from $5 to $10 for breakfast, from $8 to $15 for lunch and from $20 to $25 for dinner, the resolution states.

The maximum meal allowance for reimbursement for all business conducted within New York City remains at $50 per day.

Bereavement Leave has been modified, allowing five days for the death of an immediate family member (parents, brother, sister, child, spouse, grandparents, grandchild, mother and father-in-law, stepparents, stepchildren).

“In the event of the death of a spouse’s grandparent, each employee shall be permitted three (3) days of Bereavement Leave,” the resolution states

“For the purposes of a memorial service or burial, Bereavement Leave may be used even when the burial or memorial services is not within the five (5) or (3) days of death.

“Documentation to substantiate the memorial service or burial is to be provided to the County’s Human Resources Department, upon request,” the resolution states.

Sell-Back of Unused Leave has been updated, reflecting that unused sick leave will be paid at the rate of 100 percent for up to a maximum of 160 days upon the retirement, voluntary termination or death of an employee who has at least five (5) years of continuous service.

Unused sick leave shall not be paid upon an employee's termination for just cause. All employees will be prohibited from "burning off'' unused sick leave prior to their retirement or other separation from service.
Upon termination of service, any unused vacation leave credits or compensatory time, up to the maximum allowable number of accumulated days allowed, will be paid for at the regular rate of pay.

Unused vacation leave credits or compensatory time shall not be paid upon an employee's termination for just cause, the resolution states.

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