COBLESKILL — Every spring, gardeners are counting down the minutes until they can get their hands in some dirt. The Schoharie Master Gardener Volunteers (SMGV) have already started growing for their upcoming plant sale. The sale will be held on Saturday, May 4, 2024 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm in conjunction with SUNY Cobleskill’s Plant Sale (Route 7, Cobleskill, NY).
SMGV have chosen a nice variety of perennials (plants that come back every year) to add to your gardens. We have “Rudbeckia Deami”, which is a typical yellow blossom with dark center. This particular variety was chosen not just because it is drought tolerant and the deer & rabbits tend to avoid it, but also strongly disease resistant. Have you heard of Tiarella? It is commonly called Foam Flower and does great in shade. The graceful, pale pink blossoms of the variety “Angel Wings” are on upright stalks and can bloom springtime and again in the fall. It is also deer resistant as well as attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds.
These and several other plants will be available for purchase. These are not the typical varieties that you find in the big box stores. Come see if the unique plants we’ve chosen will suit your garden!
The SMGV plant sale is a fun annual event that raises money to promote garden-based programs and outreach in Schoharie County. This important funding will allow Cornell Cooperative Extension Schoharie Otsego (CCESO) to host low-cost programs on gardening for children and adults, and maintain demonstration gardens at CCESO’s facilities.
For more information on the annual plant sale, call 518-234-4303 ext. 129 or email For more information about Cornell Cooperative Extension of Schoharie and Otsego County’s community programs and events, go to or call 518-234-4303 ext. 129. Stay connected to CCE Master Gardeners’ daily postings at and follow CCE Schoharie and Otsego on Facebook at
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