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Home » » MUSINGS OF A LOCAL by Iris Mead - FRIENDSHIPS [Definition-A Person One Knows Well and Cherishes]

MUSINGS OF A LOCAL by Iris Mead - FRIENDSHIPS [Definition-A Person One Knows Well and Cherishes]

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 4/12/24 | 4/12/24

CATSKILLS REGION — Friendships:  There are many different kinds  – long-time friends, college friends, work friends, new friends, friends that used to be friends.  My definition is knowing there is someone that cares about me and makes me smile and happy that they are in my life.

In this region made up of mostly small towns and villages where school rivalries exist, we interact with others at school functions and shop in the local stores owned by neighbors, friend of the family or part of our own family. Being out and about eventually leads us to meeting someone we’d like to have as a friend. Friendships can start when we’re young and last our whole lives due to the make-up of our region. Or you form a new friendship with someone for a short while before one of you moves on. 

Friendships are built on many things; that “thing” that draws you to a certain person and keeps you involved in their life and they in yours.  Even though years can pass without seeing that person, you still consider that person a friend because that bond was made in the beginning.

My life has been blessed with many life-long friends.  Growing up in this area you knew your classmates due to small class sizes.  They remain forever friends.  Moving on to college you make more friends who you probably don’t see often but still think about. The next chapter is starting a job where you make more friends and as life continues you may have numerous jobs and opportunities to make many more friends.  Some remain in your life forever, others were short-timers but had some impact on your life.  

Are you a People Collector?  Not all of us are good at making (and keeping) friends. How many do you keep along the way? Why do some disappear – is it you or them who find the connection you had is gone? Do they move out of your life because they want to or have you changed the direction of your life? Have you done something that they considered hurtful?  We try to be the best we can be especially since friends make our lives better.  

Take a minute to think about the friendships you treasure. I have life-long friends from grammar school who mean a great deal to me.  Even though I lived part of my life 3,000 miles away from them I knew I could call them at any time and when I returned the friendships were intact.  

Without friends in your life affects how you live your life. Depression, loneliness, and sadness can take over our lives but friendships keep us alive and in touch.  If you do one thing after reading this, reach out to a friend and say hello.  It may make their day!

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