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Home » » Outdoors with Larry DiDonato - Greene County Youth Turkey Hunt A Success

Outdoors with Larry DiDonato - Greene County Youth Turkey Hunt A Success

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 4/25/24 | 4/25/24

The 2024 Youth Turkey Hunt at Norton Hill Wildlife Club was by all accounts a resounding success. The event was the brainchild of local Environmental Conservation Officer, (ECO) Lucas Palmateer who had the audacity to ask the simple question, “Why don’t we do a youth turkey hunt in Greene County anymore?” ECO Palmateer was swiftly invited to a meeting at the Norton Hill Wildlife Club where the answer to his question was, “We don’t know, but let’s partner up and make it happen.” And so, they did. Board member and former Norton Hill President, Chad Bloom got the nod from members and current President, Richard Powell and the event was off and running. 

 The first challenge was getting the word out to youth hunters. Drawing on my list of those who attended the Greene County Youth Pheasant Hunt held this past September, ECO Palmateer was able to match youth’s needing a mentor and place to hunt with himself, ECO Jason Smith, and Lt. Anthony Glorioso. Other youth hunters participating hunted with their dad’s, uncles, guardians, and mentors. 

A mandatory safety training and shotgun patterning session at the Norton Hill range was planned for the mentored youths. Training included instruction on “Talking Turkey - Hunting Tactics - Do’s and Don’ts,” plus live-fire shotgun safety training on the range. It also provided an opportunity to check shot-pattern performance to ensure a humane harvest. Just one week later, the time arrived to put into practice new skills learned.  

 At 0’dark hundred, during the pre-dawn hours of opening day of the youth turkey season on Saturday, April 20th, kids, parents, and mentors slinked through pitch dark woods to set-up. What must have seemed like an eternity for anxious youths sitting in the dark, finally gave way to cracks of the gray first light on the horizon. For some, the silence was soon broken by the unmistakable, thunderous gobble of the male Eastern Wild Turkey. If you haven’t experienced it, it’s something to put on your bucket list. Turkey hunting can be a tricky endeavor. Some experienced lots of gobbling, fanning, and drumming by toms and jakes coming in from all angles, but never within range for a clean kill. While others had jakes come in quickly and silently that were promptly harvested and tagged. 

  The noon whistle signaled the close of hunting hours for the day. A dozen youths were among the over thirty people who made their way to the “After the Hunt BBQ” at Norton Hill Wildlife Club at noon on opening day. Quite a respectable turnout considering the short amount time to pull off the event. Chad and his wife, Amber, grilled hot dogs, and got kids (and their parents) chips, soda and water as stories were shared of the ones the kids got, and the ones that got away. The kids examined the two jakes harvested by William Stacey, 14, and Cameron Shelling, 14, both of Earlton, as they discussed tactics and all the unanticipated things that are part and parcel of spring turkey hunting in the Northeast. One thing I didn’t see was any kid looking at their phone. Kids who spend time outdoors connecting with the intricacies and beauty of nature don’t have the time or inclination to constantly be on their phones. Same holds true for kids who go fishing, trapping, hiking, and kayaking etc. It’s important that adults facilitate connecting youth with the outdoors. Its good for them, and the adults, both physically, and maybe more importantly, provide a boost for their mental health as well.  

 As the event concluded, ECO Palmateer thanked all in attendance for their support in making the event possible. He advised the New York Conservation Officer’s Association, (NYCOA), and Safari Club International, (SCI) supported the Norton Hill Wildlife Club with the event. NYCOA and SCI are both big supporters of getting kids outdoors at youth hunts and fishing derbies across the state and nation. He also announced all twelve kids were being given a free JAKES membership to the National Wild Turkey Federations (NWTF). NWTF had supplied an instructional DVD and JAKES membership forms for the youth hunting event. All adults in attendance were invited to join their kids in becoming members of NWTF, a national organization that supports wildlife conservation and habitat, especially for various species of wild turkeys across the country. You can join by going to their website at

 Some of the youth hunters went out the next morning on Sunday, the second and last day of this year’s youth turkey season. Two actually “doubled-up” while hunting with parent/mentor Kurt Plank in Cairo. Mason Plank, 14, of Purling, and Tristan Hilgendorf, 15, of Roundtop, timed it perfectly, bagging two jakes as they came in silently on the last day of the season. Shooting two birds simultaneously is a feat not easily accomplished. Congratulations to them and every youth hunter participating in this year’s Youth Turkey Hunting Event in Greene County! Whether or not the kids bagged a bird, there’s no question all had a great time in the effort, comradery, and commiserating after the fact. Plus, they now have the whole month of May to try again during the regular spring turkey season which begins on May 1st and runs through May 31st.    

Happy Turkey Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping until next time!

News and Notes…

Norton Hill Wildlife Club Announces 2024 Trap Shooting Schedule

Trap shooting at Norton Hill Wildlife Club at 946 Big Woods Road in Greenville begins at 10:00 am on Sunday, May 12th and continues at the same time on June 9th and 16th, July 14th and 28th, August 4th and 25th, and on September 15th and 29th.  Cost is just $5.00 per round. Bring your own ammo. Trap shooting is open to all; you don’t have to be a member to take advantage of this opportunity. 

Save-the-date for New York Bowhunters Banquet in Greenville – May 18th 

New York Bowhunters will hold their 33rd Annual Banquet and Rendezvous on Saturday, May 18th 2023 at the Sunny Hill Resort and golf course at 352 Sunny Hill Road in Greenville, NY. For early birds arriving the day before, there will be a BBQ on Friday night at 6:00 pm with a 50/50 raffle. Discounted rooms that include breakfast at Sunny Hill are available. Go to or call them at 518-634-7642 to make your discounted room reservation. Registration for the day’s activities start at 9:00 am with their General Meeting scheduled for 1:00 pm, cocktail hour at 5:00 pm, and dinner and silent auction at 6:00 pm. The keynote speaker this year is Colorado big game hunter and guide, John Gardner. The event includes 3D archery and novelty shoots, antler scoring, contests, prizes, and free golf for NY Bowhunter members. Genesis bows will be provided for participants. There will be vendor tables, raffles and plenty of fun things to do. Tickets are $55.00 for individuals with kids under 12 are free. To purchase tickets and for more information, contact Annie Jacobs via email at , or by regular mail: 5937 County Road 33 Canandaigua, NY 14424. You can also give Annie a call at 585-229-7468 for more information.  Local NY Bowhunters representative Ed Gorch reminds all attending to bring a gift box for their “Camo to Camo” program supporting our veterans.  

Remember to report poaching violations by calling 1-844-DEC-ECOS.

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