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Written By The Mountain Eagle on 4/17/24 | 4/17/24

The grass-roots committee formed to help facilitate 250th American Revolution commemorative activities in Schoharie County is pleased to announce organizational steps taken as its most recent meeting.  These include adopting a formal committee name and mission statement, as well as forming a steering subcommittee.  The committee met on April 11, with historians and organizations representing nine of the sixteen towns in Schoharie County.  The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 7 at Lasell Hall in Schoharie and is open to interested groups and the public.

The committee adopted for its formal name “Revolutionary Schohary 250th Committee.”  Also adopted was the following mission statement.

We are a grass-roots organization dedicated to raising awareness and building excitement for

commemorating the events, people, and politics of the Revolutionary War period of Schoharie

County through:

Publicizing events related to interpreting or highlighting what occurred during the

Revolutionary period of 1774-1783 within today’s Schoharie County, as well as connected events outside it.

Partnering with local, regional, and state groups - including historical and cultural, businesses, educational, libraries, municipalities, veterans, schools, and others - to help plan and coordinate


Promoting heritage tourism by connecting the public with 250th events through various online platforms, printed materials, and other media.

Presenting an understanding of the American Revolution, as it happened in Schoharie County and

elsewhere, through an inclusive approach that respects differing viewpoints, gives voice to those lacking representation in local history, and honors the impact the war had on all participants.

Spokesperson Jeff O’Connor reports that “We are off to a good start, realizing that we have an opportunity to help elevate Schoharie County’s true role in the American Revolution so its historical legacy endures for generations to come.  We hope to present our vision to the Schoharie County Board of Supervisors at its Friday, April 19 meeting.”

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