By Karen Cuccinello
SUMMIT — The March board minutes and supervisors report were approved at Summit’s monthly town board meeting as residents discussed recent efforts to improve the community.
Highway Superintendent Jim Dibble reported that they are starting to transition trucks from winter to spring and they are brooming some roads.
Dog Control Officer's report was mentioned. Board member Georgia Shafer asked if the two unlicensed dogs mentioned at the March meeting have been licensed; they have not so dog control officer Jillian Smith will be notified.
Code Enforcement Officer Jesse Wilcox has been keeping track of open building permits, lining up fire inspections, updating usage of the Sauvage Distillery tasting room to Peppercorn Inn, issued two building permits and responded to two complaints.
John Foote of the Comprehensive Plan Committee stated that the final draft of the Comprehensive Plan was sent to the town clerk to be reviewed by the board members.
Board member Shafer wondered why the town is paying Supervisor Vroman's mileage to Schoharie County Board meetings. The County does not pay the mileage anymore.
Bills were reviewed and paid.
Meeting open to the public.
John Steitz of the Summit Community Center mentioned that board members should consider supporting their organization by paying the $25 membership fee. It helps to have more members when applying for grants.
Jen Stinson of Summit Neighbors mentioned that they have been asking people if they would consider sponsoring gardens around town. Bobbi Wayman will take care of the garden under the Summit sign by the Jefferson town line and asked if the sign could be repainted. Supervisor Vroman and Superintendent Dibble will make sure it gets painted.
Board member Shafer of the Revitalization Committee read and asked for approval of a press release pertaining to the Revitalization Committee. It was approved for release and to be in the June town newsletter. Shafer then reviewed subcommittee reports from their April meeting. A new Unsafe Building Law draft was proposed. Supervisor Vroman requested that they highlight the differences between the new law and the law from 2012 for the next meeting. The Unified Postings committee is discussing how to display Summit activities in one place such as a website, digital sign, or Facebook. Looking into a farmers market and Complete Streets grant. The next Revitalization Committee meeting is April 29th.
There will be a public hearing on the Unsafe Building Law on June 20th at 7:15 pm, which is the regular meeting date.
Clerk VanValkenburg mentioned they are getting some submissions for the June newsletter.
Discussion about a new microphone to help make Zoom meetings easier to hear. Jen Stinson sent the clerk information about three possibilities costing $75-$150. Board members need to get the information before the next meeting.
Supervisor Vroman asked the board if they would approve giving Bookkeeper Charley Spickerman $200 to attend a finance school; approved.
The Williamson Law program looks like it will be very beneficial, town board members heard.
Next board meeting May 16th at 7 pm.
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