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Home » » Wind Law Hearing Set for May 9 in Jefferson

Wind Law Hearing Set for May 9 in Jefferson

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 4/26/24 | 4/26/24

By Liz Page

JEFFERSON  – A change in criteria delayed the public hearing on the draft changes to the town of Jefferson's Wind Law until May 9, after it was learned the town planning board must first approve the law before it goes to the County Planning Commission. That hearing will be at 7 p.m. and the revised draft of the law is available on the town's website or from the Jefferson Town Clerk.

Jefferson Town Board members approved the sale of the Post Office building at the intersection of Creamery Street and Park Ave. to Postal Realties. The company owns numerous USPS properties. A motion was made to sell the building "as is" for $105,000. The town has been leasing the building to the U.S. Postal Service for $15,000 per year and the 15-year lease was good until 2031, however, the town has never made any money, making expensive repairs to the building over the years. The building was the former fire station before being turned into a post office.

Board members also awarded a three-year contract for lawn mowing and trimming Alan Homestead Landscaping, a local company that shared the low bid at $6,950 per year. They also awarded the security upgrades at the town hall for a new doorway system with an intercom to buzz in approved visitors to Country Home Security. The new security will be packaged with existing security cameras, etcetera. The lock work will be done by Stinson, a locksmith. The town currently contracts with Johnson Controls, but they no longer service this area. There is money in the building fund, according to Supervisor Peggy Hait, to pay for the added security.

Code Enforcement Officer Rich Irwin will seek a quote for the entire system to be monitored and tested by Country Home Security and they will be asked to make a presentation at the May meeting.

Town Clerk Vanessa Irwin updated town board members on problems with the online payment of property taxes. She said other towns have also had problems, which has resulted in incorrect payments. It will be the topic at a meeting of the clerks in the county, which was canceled due to a storm.

Supervisor Hait said she would like to review Williamson Law Books to see if they have a program. The issue has upset a number of taxpayers throughout the county. "I think the county is going to make a decision to change companies," said Irwin.

Councilman Don VanValkenburg reported on the Heritage Day Committee. He said the Jefferson Fire Dept. will be in the parade, but they will not be doing a chicken barbecue or other activities. He said a number of suggestions for other activities on that day have included such things as Touch a Truck, a dog show, a blacksmith demonstration, a photography booth, with Mill Pond, and the Breakfast Club in the parade. They have picked up a couple of new volunteers and more are needed, he said. The next meeting is on April 23 at 6:30 p.m.

Supervisor Hait said she has found shades to meet the requirements mandated by the Unified Court System that the courthouse windows must be shaded. The shades allow you to see outside, but not inside. The cost of the shades will be paid through a grant.

She said an ambulance will be needed for Heritage Day and she said the Jefferson Fire Dept. has requested a paid EMT through the county. She said it is something that is being done by other departments, due to the lack of volunteers. The county is hiring more EMTs and now has 19 full-time EMS on the payroll. Jefferson already has an ambulance and with a hired EMT would need a driver, said Hait. 

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