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Home » » CV-S Voters Approve Budget, Elect Johnson, Armani to Board

CV-S Voters Approve Budget, Elect Johnson, Armani to Board

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 5/27/24 | 5/27/24


CHERRY VALLEY - Cherry Valley-Springfield Tuesday approved the 2024-25 budget and numerous propositions and also elected two school board members Tuesday.

* The budget was approved by a count of 147 to 59.

* The bus purchase proposition was approved by a count of 137 to 65.

* The vehicle proposition was approved 143 to 64.

* The capital reserve proposition was approved 144 to 62.

* The technology reserve proposition was approved 144 to 59.

* Elected to the school board were: Ellen Johnson, who received 131 votes and earned a five-year seat and April Armani. who got 107 votes and won a two-year seat. Also receiving votes were Hilary Lusk with 89 votes and Nicole Fox with 59. 

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