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Home » » Delhi Memorial Day Event

Delhi Memorial Day Event

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 5/31/24 | 5/31/24

By Mary A. Crisafulli

DELHI - The Delhi Memorial Day event, hosted by American Legion Donald W. Gleason Post 190 & Delhi Fire Department, took place in Courthouse Square as it does every year. The event was led by legion member Kari Haugeto. 

Haugeto reminded attendees that freedom is not free. “There are times when its cost is dear,” she said.

Legion Commander Hank Ridder spoke at the event. He said that over 4,400 allied soldiers died in World War II, 2,500 were American soldiers. “Let’s keep our WWII vets in mind as their numbers are dwindling,” said Ridder, noting that they are reaching their 100th birthdays. 

Delaware Academy Central School Districts Luke Pringle led attendees in singing the National Anthem while the school's band played the music. Girl Scout Jillian Fishner recited a poem honoring all the women who have fallen in service. Boy Scout Joshua Fishner recited the poem Flanders Fields by John McCrae.  

Haugeto said organization for the next Memorial Day event has already begun. She asked the crowd to contact her if interested in participating in a parade stating the holiday deserves a parade. Her statement was met with applause from attendees.

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