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New EMS Truck For Davenport FD

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 5/31/24 | 5/31/24

The new Davenport EMS truck donated by the late Leo Lomangino. Standing in front of the truck from left to right is Leo’s son Robbert Lomangino and his wife and two sons.

By Mary A. Crisafulli

DAVENPORT - When Leo Lomangino passed away roughly four years ago. In death he organized a trust fund for donations to Davenport institutions including the fire department, food bank, the highway garage, and Hospice.

With the Lomangino fund, the Davenport Fire Department was able to secure a new Emergency Medical Services truck to replace the nearly 20 year old truck. The truck will be used to respond to medical calls, flooding, downed trees, among other emergencies. They received the truck early this year, but were awaiting installation of equipment such as the cab before putting it on the road. Recently the truck was featured in the Davenport Memorial Day Parade. Lomangino’s son Robbert Lomangino and some other family members were able to drive the truck in the parade.

“He (Lomangino) was just a giving man,” said 2nd Assistant Fire Chief and Highway Superintendent Fred Utter. “He cared about people,” Utter continued, “He knew what it was like to have no money and the business that he was in, well he made out well and he wanted to share the wealth.”

Utter explained that Lomangino lived in the Davenport area for many years where he had a horse farm on Layman Road. Being born around Independence Day, Lomangino used to host a fireworks show on the farm open to the public, said Utter. “It wasn’t just for him, it was for everyone,” Utter said. “He was a very very nice guy,” he continued, adding that his survivors are a good family.

The new EMS truck is adorned with the words Donated by Leo Lomngino.

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