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Home » » M'burgh Pollinator Garden gets Great Start

M'burgh Pollinator Garden gets Great Start

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 6/7/24 | 6/7/24

Horseshoe Pits Being Put in Badgely Park

By David Avitabile

MIDDLEBURGH - Middleburgh Village Trustee Amanda Fernandez said 300-square-feet of wildflowers have been planted in a new pollinator garden off of Pine Street.

Volunteers on Friday, May 31 broke ground in the unused strip of land and planted wildflowers in a plot 30-by-10 feet. Now the only thing needed is rain. Volunteers plan to expand the garden each year, she added.

"I have no doubt that it will flourish," Trustee Fernandez told fellow board members.

She also noted that a fellow volunteer suggested that the garden be dedicated to the memory of Eleanor Spencer, an important community volunteer who recently passed away. Trustee Fernandez said she thought this was a good idea. She said the garden should be dedicated when the garden is established, maybe next year.

Last month, Trustee Fernandez, noted that the garden will also free up DPW labor time since it will be decreasing the amount of land they have to mow there.

In other park news, Trustee Fernandez said the Rotary would be placing horseshoe pits in Badgely Park across the former town hall. More pits can be added in the future.

Mayor Tim Knight also announced that the Middleburgh Rotary did receive a Rotary District Grant for the benches that have been placed on Main Street.

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