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The Tapestry by Dr. Deborah Herodes - Anti-Social Media

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 6/7/24 | 6/7/24

When Posts, Tweets and Snaps Get Mean….Just Because!

Social media has always been a wonderful way to connect with people one hasn’t seen in a long time.  It is also a way to post photos of children’s achievements or grandchildren’s sweet faces.  For me, it has been a way to educate or at least get people to think for themselves, to research for themselves, to argue with knowledge. Unfortunately, it seems to be impossible to say much of anything of substance without people personally attacking my information.  I find it interesting that in this “Kindness Matters” era that people may smile and be kind to your face, but the kindness ends when words are typed.

Although I know that everyone has differing opinions on everything, I also know that disagreements should be aimed at the disagreement, not as a personal attack on one’s thinking.  Try to never use the word “you,” when responding to a post you may not agree with; pointing a personal finger is never a good way to write a response or a post.  Never ever attack someone with idle threats or involve their families in your diatribe.  

It really is a sadness that we have never figured out how to argue successfully.  To do this, however, one must not write ‘off the cuff’ comments that have no factuality to them.  In essence, it’s like a small child disagreeing with you and you asking him/her why he/she feels the way he/she does, and he/she replies, “because.”  While there are those who will always say, “just because,” due to their inability to argue without anger, there are also those who will begin to study, read and learn if something you have posted nags at them.

I have been told that I should stop posting my political opinions online, “because”______________ (you fill in the blank.) But I cannot, because saying nothing about important issues is a ‘no can do’ in my book.  I am careful not to insult any person, except perhaps the political figure or well-known figure I am speaking about, but my posts are all factual, despite all the fake news “ya ya.”  There are real sites. There is fact-checking available.  Freedom of speech and freedom of the press, never intended to be lie-infused.

I am at fault for posting many things per day.  Sometimes they are of my beloved family, sometimes they are of a comedic nature, sometimes they are songs and singers, but they are always heartfelt, and I always encourage folks to scroll by my posts if they are sick of seeing my loves and my opinions.  Funny thing is, scrolling by doesn’t satisfy most people because passionate replies are often left for me, both in love and in anger.

I try very hard to ignore personal barbs and consider the source(s), but I wish I could teach a class on how to agree to disagree. My online service is housed by my friends, or they wouldn’t be able to see my posts.  Some I have had to block because their responses were too cruel for me to call them friends at all, but most I read and consider, if they are thoughtful, purposeful, honest and for the good of my fellow Americans. 

In this age of information, make sure that the information you are sharing with others is worthy of an educated mind.  Be accepting of other people’s opinions, but make sure you have researched the supposed truths they are bringing to you.  There is nothing worse than sparring with someone who has no idea what you are talking about; it's a waste of time. Instead try to educate them, in between your goofy photos of your pup and the funny memes about old age.

I know it is the old reporter and teacher in me that push me forward in my endeavor to keep all apprised of the important things going on in our world and in our community.  I’m not likely to change, but I can learn and want to learn everything possible about this place we call Earth.  I also want to inform and teach people about being freethinkers, who have a thirst for knowledge, fairness and truth.

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