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Ashland Speaks

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 7/3/24 | 7/3/24

By Lula Anderson

I've been sitting here trying to think of an opening, but nothing is coming.  Gardens are being planted, Judy has finally put in her tomatoes and peppers.  If the fruit on the trees is any indication, she will have a freezer full of tomatoes for the winter.  Several years ago, Judy and John planted two peach trees in their yard and never had anything come from them.  This year they are absolutely loaded with peaches.  Roberta stopped by and said the tree she planted last year is loaded with fruit, also.  As pessimistic as this may sound,  the old timers (like me) say that nature is preparing for a long, cold, snowy winter.  Jay Fink said that I should frame last week's opening to bring out on one of those wintry days.  Only time will tell.

WAJPL Maine trip is fast approaching, get your travel bags ready.  Don't forget to sign up for craft classes starting on June 18th.  On June 17th we will be welcoming Gerard Friedman from Bell House Fitness.  Our goal is active minds, active bodies and a long, enjoyable life.

Yearly services for the local chapels are being scheduled.  On July 14th, the Mitchell Hollow Chapel will be open with special music and the theme:  THINKING BACK.    If you have pictures of family weddings or other activities, please bring to share.   Last year we had to remove several trees, and with your help, we got more done than we were expecting.  This year the fund raiser will be for window repairs.  The sills need attention along with shades, etc.  Please join us.  

Sympathy to the families of William (Billy) Matthews , Jerry Cunningham, and the Hoyt family.

Many memorial services for the D Day invasion of Normandy as it marks its 80th anniversary.  


Many of my readers looked up the Nursery Song about the days of the week and told me that we missed Wednesday—This is the day we mend our clothes.  While folding the laundry, and during ironing, the items that needed to be mended were put aside to be repaired.  Girls always had their own pocket mending kits as well as a sewing box with needles, pins, thread, needle threaders, and a thimble.  There was always at least one darning egg in someone's kit.  Socks with holes in the heels or toes were put over the egg,  A heavy thread, or light yarn was used to weave the hole closed.  Long stitches crosswise, long stitches lengthwise, woven in and out, then kitty corner until the hole was closed.  Seams were hand sewn, patches put on larger holes in pants and shirts.  Collars and cuffs were turned, stitches plucked out to save the collar, then turned around so the worn spot was on the underside.  The open area of the cuff that connected to the sleeve was sewn shut, the worn spot put in its place, and the shirt was ready to go for a bit longer.  Buttons were sewn on, zippers repaired. If the garment was too far gone and worn, it was cut into squares for quilt pieces, strips for rag rugs or used as rags.  

Material was saved for the Women's Guild meetings where it was shared by all, and items were made for the Summer Bazaar.  Quilts, potholders, aprons, you name it, we probably made it from scraps.  Old, worn blankets were used as fillers for the quilts.  Very little was thrown out.  There were no collection bins for used clothing.  If there was a family in need, we gave them our outgrown clothing .  Waste not want not.  

I look at some of the clothes that people are wearing today, especially the pants.  When did it become so fashionable to wear something that had more holes than material.  My fingers itch to grab my rag bag and patch them.  We shuddered when we spilled bleach on our dungarees.  Now they are being bleached after manufactured to get that distressed look.  Oh my, how times have changed.  

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