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Written By The Mountain Eagle on 7/3/24 | 7/3/24

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KORTRIGHT — Delaware County District Attorney Shawn J. Smith announced that Devon R. Kupris, 22, of Kortright, New York, was convicted of Driving While Intoxicated, an Unclassified Misdemeanor, in the Town of Kortright Local Criminal Court on June 18, 2024.  

The defendant pleaded guilty to Driving While Intoxicated, which stems from an incident back in January of 2024. On the evening of January 20, 2024, Deputy Logan Flavell of the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office attempted to help a vehicle he observed pulled over on the roadside. While doing so, he made contact with Mr. Kupris, who was driving the vehicle. At that time Deputy Flavell observed that Mr. Kupris emitted the smell of alcohol, slurred his speech, had red watery eyes and was stumbling when standing outside the vehicle. Further police investigation revealed that the defendant had been driving while intoxicated.

On June 18, 2024, the defendant appeared before the Honorable Judge Yvonne Pagillo and pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated. Judge Pagillo sentenced the defendant to a 1-year conditional discharge and ordered that he install an ignition interlock device on any vehicle he owns or operates.  Judge Pagillo revoked the defendant’s driver license for 6 months and ordered that he attend a victim impact panel and an Impaired Drivers’ Program. The defendant was also ordered to undergo drug and alcohol evaluation and must comply with any treatment recommendations. If the defendant fails to comply with any of these conditions, he could be resentenced to one year in jail.

District Attorney Shawn Smith recognized Delaware County Sheriff’s Deputies Michael Pedulla and Logan Flavell for their outstanding work in this case. “The attention to detail and thorough investigation of this case removed an unsafe driver from the road. I am grateful for the work that the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office puts into keeping our communities and roadways safe.”

Shawn J. Smith

District Attorney

Delaware County

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