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Home » » Kortright Discusses Building Permit Fees

Kortright Discusses Building Permit Fees

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 7/3/24 | 7/3/24

By Liz Page

BLOOMVILLE – With an unusually light agenda, members of the Kotright Town Board again discussed building permit fees and the prospect of the post office returning to the hamlet during their regular meeting on June 17.

Highway crews have been mowing roadways and the paving will be redone on Turnpike Road, which is under warranty to be repaved due to a bad batch of oil. Swantak Road is also on the repair list.

Signs will be erected for one-side parking near the ball field in Bloomville. Town Highway Superintendent Bill Burdick will pave the shoulder to allow better parking and to help keep traffic from blocking access for emergency vehicles.

Research by Supervisor George Haynes indicates the United States Postal Service would pay for utility hookups to a portable structure that would bring a post office back to the hamlet of Bloomville. That proposal is ongoing.

In discussing the building permit fees, council members agreed to drop the inspection for generators which already require a third-party inspection, and question the need for inspection of solar panels, for the same reason.

They are also still seeking a dog control officer and approved a new contract with the Heart of the Catskills Humane Society for dogs only. The terms of the agreement have not changed.

They also passed a motion to change next month's meeting to July 22 instead of July 15 as scheduled.

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