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Let’s Catch up…by Pat Larsen - Something new…

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 7/22/24 | 7/22/24

An Advice Column from Author and Columnist  PAT LARSEN

For Baby Boomers and Seniors 


Look, the 50’s and 60’s were the best of times.

Am I right, Baby Boomers? 

So, let’s set the record straight…we may be getting older but we’re not dead yet.  

We have questions about navigating this fast paced environment  and understanding how we can still contribute and remain relevant in an ever changing world. I’ve got lots of contacts that can help us understand it all.  

LETS CATCH UP can mean…learning something new OR

CATCHING UP by sharing a memory  from “back in the day.”

Think of it as “your column” too. 

By taking a moment to ask a question,

You’re also helping those in our generation to learn or reminisce. 

Here’s how to contact me with your questions…

Gone are the pen to paper  days…so please  EMAIL ME  with your questions at…

… In the subject line write…  LET’S CATCH UP  then add your question below. Keep it simple.

Be sure to let me know your first name and last initial and where you’re from.

Check out a  letter I  received below.  Then send me your  own queries.

Do it before you forget and my inbox is filled up with questions.

Questions might include subjects like…how long is too long to be on my computer?  Health care access in a post pandemic world, how do I get an appointment these days ?

Do I still need to recycle?  Where is the cloud and why do I need to pay for it?

And THANK YOU. This is going to be fun.

Answer: Thank you Fred for your great question.

In short the answer is EVERYWHERE. We are among the most valued and sought after employees since WWII and still are.

Employers know, we get up, show up and don’t leave before the job is done. If money is not necessarily the goal, consider volunteering or accepting a smaller wage that is agreeable to you. Begin searching local help wanted ads, in the general area that you enjoyed working in before. ASK…everywhere, if there’s a place that interests you. We were never a timid generation. Just go for it.

This can then lead you back to those passions that you loved doing during those work years. Start by thinking about the skills that you possessed then and what you’d have to offer now. Ultimately, by identifying your goals, the time frame that would be ideal, proximity to your home which would facilitate ease of travel, etc. you’re halfway there. If you definitely need that extra paycheck,  then follow your instincts to find a job that you believe you’d be suited to and definitely something that you’d enjoy doing. An example might be, working at a farm stand locally on weekends while enjoying fresh air. Applying to local schools for one of the numerous positions that are needed there.

Please be sure to let me know what you’ve decided to do and again, thank you for a great question to start this advice column off.

Now it’s YOUR TURN… please don’t keep me waiting. I need your questions! 


Pat Larsen 

Healthy and Fit Baby Boomers

Greene County, NY 

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