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Local History with Dede Terns-Thorpe - Windham

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 7/3/24 | 7/3/24

As we see our school year winding down, it reminds us of the importance of education, and how serious the mountaintop schools have been when interviewing candidates. Throughout our history, we've consistently had excellent teachers and school staffing.  

This information is from an April 26, 1906, Windham Journal.  


Windham again offers the people of Greene County the privilege of her Union School. The next session begins on September 5th, and instruction will be by the revised requirements of the Department of Education. 

Additional physical apparatus has been added to our laboratories and suitable books for the supplemental courses. The present faculty has been able to be retained. 

It said to consider the following:

Free tuition to non-resident students who hold the required credentials.

Regents, academic, and union school diplomas are granted to those who complete instruction. A diploma carries with it the right to teach and be admitted to college and normal schools.

A graduate from our school can finish the normal classical course in 2 years.

It said the class of 1903 graduated 5 students. In 1904  only 4 students: but in 1905, 9 students graduated.

Room and board were available with highly respectable local families from $2.50 to $4.00 per week. (Today that’s only $90.00 to $140.00.)

Courses were offered in Latin, French, German, Mathematics, History, Social Science, English, Business, and other subjects.

Students from Windham High School went on to Cornell, Wesleyan, and numerous others. 

Windham maintains the highest standard of work and gives attention to those who become our students.

For further information, address either, J. S. Patterson, President Board of Education. 

The information ended by giving the contact names as either, J. S. Patterson, President of the Board of Education, or R. M. Mac Naught, Principal of Windham School. 

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