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Possible Cannabis Dispensary in Carlisle

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 7/11/24 | 7/11/24

By Chris English

CARLISLE — Carlisle might be getting a cannabis dispensary.

Town Supervisor John Leavitt reported at the Wednesday, July 3 board meeting that Carlisle has received notification from the Office of Cannabis Management that an application for an adult use retail dispensary license has been filed for property at 1337 Corbin Hill Road belonging to Nicole M. N'diaye of the Bronx. The item was among several listed in the town's planning board report from its June 11 meeting.

In other items from that report, which was read by Leavitt at the July 3 meeting, the planning board approved a subdivision for a 138-acre property at Route 20 and Curry Hill Road. Leavitt had previously said the subdivision is not for a lot of new houses or anything of that nature.

The Brian Smullen subdivision is still under consideration pending a survey. Lot line adjustments for Michele Brust and for Tim Smullen for property on Route 20 and Allan Tillapaugh for property on Little York Road are under consideration.

The planning board is reviewing final revisions to the new solar law that will govern solar and wind facilities in the town.

In other news from the July 3 town board meeting, town Clerk Stacy Bruyette reported she issued 10 dog licenses, two marriage licenses and one building permit in June. One of the marriage licenses was for her daughter, Bruyette added.

A report from town Historian Chris Keefer read by Leavitt outlined all the activities Keefer has been involved in since taking over that position in December of last year.

A report from Highway Superintendent Mike Broadwell noted that he recently completed a highway flagger certification course. Also, town crews recently cleared up tree debris and felled some dead trees near roads that potentially could have fallen. Broadwell's report also outlined that Carlisle recently assisted Sharon and Richmondville on some projects, as those towns have also done for Carlisle in the past.

As he usually does at meetings, Leavitt reported on the current balances in all the town's accounts and certificates of deposit. Among many other accounts, the general checking account currently has about $16,000 and the general savings account about $189,000.

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