By Lula Anderson
Has it already been a week since I last wrote? I just can't keep up anymore as the days fly by faster than my thoughts. It used to be that I had more to write than I could keep up with, now I don't get out of the house as much as I used to, and I don't hear as much news as I once did. The world is spinning around me, and I'm just not in the loop.
Bill Mead had visitors last week from Michigan. They took Bill on many day excursions, including dinner at Chin Chin. Quite a unique experience for Bill. While going on their trips, the couple were counting deer. In the West Jewett/ Lexington fields they counted over 63, not to mention the sightings of several bears in the locale. A red fox has a den near Bill's house with 3 pups that keep them up at night with their yipping. My boys are watching the animals near their homes. Unfortunately, for me, the bears get into the dumpster at the park and bring it over to my backyard to eat. Plus huge raccoons! Country living! Bob and Pat Ferris went to Dinner Church on Friday and when they came back they noticed they had a bear visiting.
Thank you to all who attended the Purple Moon Barn Dance on Sunday, and to those who made it possible. Opal attended and said there were more than 300 in attendance. All donations go to the local fire departments, so we all thank you for your support.
Congratulations to Kristen and Phillip who were married on Friday at C D Lane Park.
Irene Pough has now written four books including A New Season and Demons of the Great Sacandaga Lake. She had a booth at the Greene County Youth Fair. She sends her regards to all.
Did you know that we now have a dentist in Windham? Her office is located above the Windham Diner and she is there Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I went to her and she is a pleasant all purpose dentist: x-rays, extractions, fillings, cleanings. Call me for her phone number.
Don't forget the Jewett Fire Department annual Chicken BBQ this Saturday, August 3 starting at 4. $15 for complete dinner. Take out only.
Prayers for health to Joan Gates, Becky Mower, Chas Tompkins, Wayne Bailey , Wayne Bailey, Mike Hermance and Dennis Hitchcock.
Sympathy to the Hudecek and LoPresti family on the passing of Marty Hudecek after a short illness. Also to the family of Anna VanEttan widow of Roger.
August is here and those that graduated high school in June are realizing their childhood hopes and aspirations. Those going to college are packing up and deciding what they think they will be needing. Memories and souvenirs from high school will be packed up and stored for the future. This brings to mind my hope chest.
In 1948 all the girl graduates were given a small hope chest from Oren's Furniture Shop in Catskill. This was to encourage girls, and their parents, to buy a regular sized hope chest as "your first piece of real furniture." At that time, the trend was still there to learn how to sew. We not only had to know how to mend clothes, and to make our own clothes from patterns, but to do "fancy work". We all had embroidered dresser scarves, pillowcases, tea towels, and the like. We learned to knit and crochet – hats, scarves, gloves and even winter socks. We made potholders from weaving or even from cast off quilts. All went into your hope chest. I remember the smell of cedar each time I opened it to add another item. Invariably, each girl had a special quilt at the bottom, made with love and memories to grace the first bed in your first home. Memories on top of memories.
While talking to a friend from another area, I was taken aback at the same story. Picking up her hope chest from her local furniture store and the memories hers contained. In hers today, is the Christening outfit that my mother made for her first child, Walter.
I look at my dresser and see my little Orens hope chest. It is filled with fancy handkerchiefs that no one uses anymore, but I can't bear to throw away. Have you opened your hope chest lately? What memories does yours evoke?
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