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Written By The Mountain Eagle on 8/9/24 | 8/9/24

The Greene County Youth Bureau is a division of the Greene County Department of Human  Services that assists in both the development and implementation of programs and services for  youth (ages 6 – 17/18 for sports; age 21 for youth development). The major responsibilities of the  Youth Bureau include advocacy and the funding of programs aimed at improving & enhancing the  welfare of Greene County youth and families. The Greene County Youth Bureau is funded in part  by the NYS Office of Children and Family Services, the Greene County Legislature and donations.  The Youth Bureau is supported by the Greene County Youth Advisory Board (YAB) with the  purpose of developing and recommending policies and procedures that guide the activities of the  Youth Bureau in providing opportunities to improve the lives of Greene County youth and  families. In addition, the Advisory Board reviews youth program applications and makes funding  recommendations based on the guidance provided by NYS Office of Children and Family Services  (OCFS). Requests for funding from youth programs serving Greene County youth are open to any  501(c)(3) (Non-profit tax-exempt charitable organization per IRS).  

NYS OCFS encourages a wide variety of youth programs including, but not limited to, the  following:  

Community, Citizenship and Civic Engagement  

Economic Security and Employment 

Physical, Mental and Emotional Health 

Education (“out-of-school time” programming to support educational engagement like  drop-out prevention services, etc.)  


Programs eligible for funding must meet the following criteria:  

● Serve youth within a specific age based on funding avenue.  

● Provide community-level services, opportunities, and supports designed to promote positive  youth development.  

● Have a non-discrimination policy and not deny youth services based on ethnicity/race,  political affiliation, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, physical or other  disability, national origin, or any protected characteristic under local, state, and/or federal law.  ● Collect data, including participant demographic information, as required by OCFS in a  manner that allows for accurate reporting of anonymized aggregate data.  

● Demonstrate competency in the areas of governance, monitoring and evaluation, partnership,  and financial stewardship.  

Sports programs eligible for funding must have a child protection policy in place that  includes adherence to local city, agency, school district, and state child protection guidelines.  

There are 3 distinct avenues of funding: Youth Development Programs, Youth Sports &  Education Funding, and Youth Team Sports Allocation Funding. 

Youth Development Programs (YDP) – Greene County will receive $44,657 from NYS  for programs and initiatives that enable youth to build on their strengths; provide  opportunities for youth to gain important life skills and core competencies, and that allow youth to have meaningful roles in their communities; initiatives that benefit young people  in their homes and neighborhoods, in schools, as well as in foster care and residential  treatment. 

Youth Sports & Education (YSEF) - Greene County will receive $20,000 from NYS for  programs that provide a variety of sports for a broad range of youth; encourages a wide and  flexible definition of sports that includes organized activities with movement, including  physical fitness activities including but not limited to yoga, hiking, dance, and active  outdoors pursuits. 

Youth Team Sports Allocation (YTS) - Greene County will receive $18,989 from NYS  to provide awards to support youth team sports programs; intended to provide support to  local team sports programs across New York state in communities where such programs  may be scarce. Unlike YSEF, YTS has a sole focus on team sports. For the purposes of  YTS, a “team sport” is defined as an organized physical activity in which groups of two or  more individuals are in competition with two or more opposing individuals. Sporting  activities where individuals engage in competition on behalf of an organized group (such  as singles tennis, team golf, or racing sports such as swimming or skiing) are included in  this definition.  

Line-item budgets should focus on programming costs, including, but not limited to, the  following:  

Coaches/instructors/direct service staff/mentors (including training/professional  development) necessary to support youth’s ability to participate in team sports.  Referee fees.  

Purchase of equipment or uniforms.  

Purchase of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) by local nonprofit or  community-based organizations to support the requirements of Chapter 681 of the  Laws of 2023, as amended by Chapter 9 of the Laws of 2024.  

Applications are now being accepted for programs serving Greene County youth that will  operate between October 1, 2024, and September 30, 2025. Interested parties should apply to  the Greene County Department of Human Services by September 30, 2024. All submitted  applications will be reviewed by the Greene County Youth Advisory Board at their October and  November 2024 meetings. Any applications received after the deadline will be reviewed only if  funding remains. Recipients of 2023-2024 funding will not be considered for 2024-2025 if they  have not completed all past requirements for grants. Applicants will be notified of awards,  around mid-November to early December 2024. Awarded funding is released following the  completion of the program, monitoring and all required documentation being submitted. 

All applications must include: 

□ OCFS-5001 Program Application (Municipalities are to be signed by Chief Elected Official).  □ OCFS-5002 Program Profile 

□ OCFS-5003 Program Components 

□ OCFS-5005 Program Budget 

□ List of current Board members with contact information and employer noted.

□ List of board members or staff who are authorized to sign claims. 


All of above 

OCFS 5011 – Universal Sports Funding Application 

The required forms required are available on the county website: Youth Funding Information |  Greene Government 

Completed applications with signatures should be submitted to Greene County Human Services  (Youth Bureau), 411 Main Street, Catskill N. Y. 12414, Attention: Maureen Murphy/Office  Manager. If your application packet will be the same as in the past, kindly send us an email &  state you wish your 2024 grant “recycled”. In this case, we will only require Form OCFS-5001  with an original signature mailed to: Greene County Human Services (Youth Bureau), 411 Main  Street, Catskill N. Y. 12414. Response must be made to  

The Greene DHS Office Manager will receive and review all applications submitted to ensure the  required paperwork is complete. The Department of Human Services and Greene County Youth  Advisory Board reserve the right to reject or to seek modification of any application if it does not  meet overall service and performance objectives.  

All complete applications will be considered by the Greene County Youth Advisory Board.  Applicants, if requested, must present supplemental information clarifying their applications,  either in writing or in a presentation. If requests exceed the monetary amount from NYS, a  reduction based on available funding will be made. Awards may be appealed by submitting in  writing a request to the Executive Director of the Department of Human Services within ten (10)  days of the award announcement. All appeals will be reviewed by the Executive Committee of the  YAB within fourteen (14) days of receiving the appeal.  


A contract with Greene County will need to be drawn up and executed as part of the award  agreement. In the event of termination of the agreement for any reason, applicant must  (a) Account for and refund to the County, within 30 calendar days, any funds which have  been paid to the agency pursuant to its agreement with the County which are in excess of  expenses incurred prior to the notice of termination. 

(b) Not incur any further obligations pursuant to this agreement beyond the termination  date. 

(c) Submit, within 30 calendar days of termination, a full report, report of receipts,  expenditures of funds, program activities and accomplishments, and obstacles encountered  relating to this agreement.  

Assistance is available to all potential applicants. Please contact Maureen Murphy, Department  of Human Services Office Manager at (518) 719-3555, if  questions.

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