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Home » » MCS Names Subs for New School; Vilegi Named Head Bus Driver

MCS Names Subs for New School; Vilegi Named Head Bus Driver

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 8/9/24 | 8/9/24

Staff Report

MIDDLEBURGH - Middleburgh school board members continued to get ready for the upcoming school year last week by naming a slate of teaching and support staff substitutes.

At special meting last Wednesday afternoon, board members named the following certified substitutes:

* Lillian Barsale, teaching.

* Deborah Brigadier, nurse.

* Roxann Collins, teaching.

* Barbara Haverly, teaching.

* Margaret Hesdorfer, teaching.

* Lisa Himme, teaching.

* Kristy Hoos, teaching.

* Darcy Laraway, teaching.

* Wesley Laraway.

* Aida Melendez, nurse.

* Teresa Norfolk, teaching.

* Colleen Nieminski, teaching.

* Becky Shaul, teaching.

* Christina Snyder, teaching.

* Richard Thaxter III, teaching.

* Liza Toborg, teaching.

* Kecia Warner, teaching.

Board members also appointed the following support staff substitutes:

* Caroline Adams.

* Ethan Adams.

* Kaitlyn Allen.

* Gayle Bartels.

* Heather Barrett.

* Grazia Beretz.

* Victoria Bouck.

* Kylie Camp, bus aide.

* Lydia Ciaravino-Pierse.

* Joseph Clifford.

* Patricia Coleman.

* Vasiliki Crewell.

* Courtney Crews.

* Riley Cronin.

* Jessica DeLaet.

* Cheryl Desanto.

* Jolene Dines.

* Danielle Freer.

* Aisha Funiciello.

* Gloria Gebhard.

* Mary Gebhard.

* Michael Gebhard, custodial.

* Becky Gordon.

* Dylan Hillicoss, custodial.

* Norine Hodges.

* Jill Hudson.

* Mary Kochersberger.

* Teri Lawton.

* Aida Melendez.

* Ashelynn Moore.

* Rachel Morgan.

* Rhonda Pevlor.

* Alexandra Pickett.

* Heather Prokop.

* Logan Rehberg.

* Carl Rhinehart.

* Sky Rivera.

* Angela Sampson.

* Jeanne Sheehan.

* Dawn Skowfoe.

* Valarie Slater.

* Chloe Smith.

* Maureen Sniffen.

* Rebecca Stanton-Terk.

* Kristina Traver.

* Hannah Vedder.

* Gerard Wallace.

* Amy Wayman.

In other personnel moves, board members:

* Aacepted the resignation of Rachel Martini, from her position as Teaching Assistant, effective August 25, and appointed her 

as an Office and Keyboard Worker, effective August 26.

* Appointed Renee LaForest as an Office and Keyboard Worker, effective August 26.

* Named Staci Kane as the girls varsity soccer coach for this fall.

* Appointed Christine Lucas and Katelynn Schuttig as the girls modified volleyball coaches for this fall.

* Appointed Sky Rivera as a Teacher Aide, effective September 3.

* Appointed Rich Vilegi as Head Bus Driver, effective August 1, at a rate established for Head Bus Driver in the School Related Personnel Agreement. The board also granted Mr. Vilegi an unpaid leave of absence from his position as School Bus Driver, to begin August 1, 2024 and the end July 31, 2025.

* Accepted the resignation of George Toften Jr. from his position of School Bus Driver,  for retirement purposes, effective October 15, 2024, with regret and best wishes.

* Appointed Delilah Purcell to a four-year probationary appointment as a Special Education teacher commencing September 1 to August 31, 2028.  Ms. Purcell holds a professional certification for Student with Disabilities (all grades).

* Appointed Kaitlyn MacMillan to a four-year probationary appointment as a Teaching Assistant commencing September 1 to August 31, 2028.  Ms. MacMillan is currently awaiting certification as a Teaching Assistant from the State Education Department.  

* Appointed Kristina Traver to a four-year probationary appointment as a Teaching Assistant commencing September 1 to August 31, 2028. Ms. Traver is currently awaiting certification as a Teaching Assistant from the State Education Department.  

Board members also:

* Declared 38 Earth Science Geology, the Environment and the Universe textbooks as obsolete/surplus.

* Accepted the following bids: fuel oil: Buell Fuel LLC, $2.9225 per gallon; diesel, Buell Fuel LLC, regular, $3.0259 per gallon and winter mix, $3.1259 per gallon.

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