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The Prattsville Scoop

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 8/5/24 | 8/5/24

By Abby and Gabby

PRATTSVILLE - Our thanks and appreciation to our active military, and veterans, law enforcement, firemen, all volunteers, and essential workers. We need all of you at certain times in our lives. Thank you.

This is a reminder of the 12th Annual Cancer Patient Aid Car Show, Sunday, August 11, at the Ashland Town Park, Gravel Bank Road, Ashland, NY. This event will take place either rain or shine. You can check out their site at or 518-734-5303 ext. 2 or 518-291-0883. The proceeds will go to Greene County cancer patients in need. Please attend and support this worthy cause. Windham Rotary Foundation is the sponsor of this event. Thank you.

The no name group of ladies who usually go out to lunch on a Friday afternoon, decided to play it risky and go to The Chicken Run’s Thursday night special of a complete turkey dinner. Those attending were Diane Cammer Eklund, Ginny Kennedy, Joanne Dunphy, Kathy Sherman, Carol Landers, Shelly Brainard, Susan Sutton and Mindy Sokoll. Some took dinners home for members of the family not included in the group. It was declared it was worth the trip. Diane Eklund shared pictures of the son Neil’s new puppy but no breed was mentioned. The ladies are discreet about what is mentioned in their conversations.

Are you watching The Olympics? It is fun to cheer for the USA and really cheer when they take the Gold. It is always uplifting when an underdog wins or an athlete of the host country. Something to enjoy with family and friends.

Debbie Dymond Wandursky says her ankle and leg continue to heal, well somewhat, after her fall. Although her daughter went home after playing nurse to her mom, Debbie said she is due for a return visit.

Our prayers, condolences and love go to the family of Carol Murray on her recent passing. Carol and husband Tom ran Red’s Auto Supply in Prattsville for many years. They supported all the events in Prattsville and their good deeds carry on. Carol absolutely enjoyed the company of her grandchildren and made sure they got their favorite treats. They surely will carry those memories with them on into the future. We will miss Carol with all her special goodnesses.

Congratulations to Larkin Graham, the recipient of the American Legion Virgil E. Deyo Post 1327 award for Americanism, leadership, and participation in community affairs, and to Lauren Cox and Brandan Cross as recipients of the American Legion Auxiliary Virgil E. Deyo Unit 1327/ Lauren was awarded the Unit’s Medal and Certificate for courage, leadershp, honor, service and scholarship. Brandan received the Rose Delmar Van Hoesen Award for school spirit, citizenship and patriotism.

Thank you Claudia Bracaliello and Sharon Potter for dropping off items for the veterans at Stratton VAMC, Albany. The items will be shared with veterans and their families who are in need from our area. Outpatients at the VA can also use the items in the clothing closet and food pantry or maybe they can use a laprobe or afghan in their home. All are welcome at the VA’s Voluntary Service unit. Thank you to Nancy Olsen for supporting our veterans in memory of her brother Albert Van Etten. What a special way to honor his life. We thank our veterans and all of you who continue to support them in whatever manner you want. Thank you.

We wish Randy Brainerd good health. None of us are as young as we once were and that means we can’t do all those things we used to do or with ease. Take care Randy.

Happy Birthday on August 3 to Stan Sutton Jr. On August 4 we wish Happy Birthday to Miranda Briggs and Bobby Rion. Happy Birthday to Jeffrey Gonzales on August 5. Way out in Missouri we send Happy Birthday greetings to Sandy Case Hill on August 7. Michelle Petricini is wished a very Happy Birthday on August 9.

We could use some of your good news. Send to or call 518 299 3219.

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