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Home » » Vets Cover Over 25 Miles of Rough Terrain in ASF's WIM Mountain Biking Program

Vets Cover Over 25 Miles of Rough Terrain in ASF's WIM Mountain Biking Program

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 8/9/24 | 8/9/24

WINDHAM — The Adaptive Sports Foundation (ASF) took five U.S. veterans on a three-day mountain biking excursion this week from July 30-August 1 in its latest Warriors in Motion (WIM) event. 

“This is a wonderful program, and the instructors are fabulous,” said retired Navy veteran Richard Mills. “I feel like I’ve gone from a novice mountain biker to an intermediate in the matter of two and a half days. I’m very appreciative and I’ll be coming back.” 

The five warriors came to the ASF’s Gwen Allard Adaptive Sports Center on Tuesday at noon to meet with the ASF staff and volunteers before sitting down for a lunch and receiving their bikes and safety equipment for the week. Once all of the participants were comfortable with their rides, the WIM group went to CD Lane Park in nearby Maplecrest to ride the trails behind the lake. The bikers entered the park through the Peck Road entrance and got the hang of their bikes before heading through the wooded paths. After the first trek of the week, the veterans were able to check into their hotels and wash up before enjoying a catered dinner at the ASF lodge.

The ASF took all of the participants on location for its long biking day on Wednesday, as the WIM group visited Thacher State Park in Voorheesville. The park boasted beautiful views of New York’s Capital District and several different hiking and biking trails. One of the popular features among the WIM participants was the park’s mountain bike skills area, where the veterans were able to take the mountain biking techniques they learned from ASF Program Director Tony Vasile and the ASF volunteers and put them to the test. This skills area not only was a safe place to try new things, but it also built confidence in the riders before heading into the forest for a more intense ride. The group took a break for lunch near the park’s overlook before riding a little more. Just as the last participant entered the ASF shuttle bus to head back to Windham, the skies opened up and the rain began to fall. The veterans were dropped off at their hotels to rest a little bit before they enjoyed another dinner at the Gwen Allard Adaptive Sports Center.

On Thursday morning the WIM group stayed more local, as they headed to the Tannersville Bike Park for some laps on its popular “Thriller” trail. “Thriller” is a downhill trail that roams over humps, rocks and roots, a fun trek for all of the participants. The group spent several hours ripping through the woods before heading back to Windham for lunch and departures. 

Not only did the veterans battle wooded terrain, but they also covered a great distance in the woods of Upstate New York. In total, the ASF mountain bikers travelled over 25 miles through rocky and rooted paths.

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