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Home » » Gilboa-Conesville Ready for the New School Year

Gilboa-Conesville Ready for the New School Year

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 9/5/24 | 9/5/24

Staff Report

GILBOA – There were 10 new people to help welcome students back at Gilboa-Conesville Central School yesterday, Sept. 5 and a new canine addition is being trained, according to the school newsletter.

Superintendent Bonnie Johnson has a year under her belt now and is looking forward to the new school year. The top priority remains providing a supportive, inclusive, and innovative educational environment for all students.

Several programs will be continued this year, and include the FUSE-STEAM curriculum for grades 4-8, the Wildcat Wonders monthly celebration for PreK students, Parent Square in a new program replacing Thrillshare, and SchoolTool is providing a new student management system.

Among the 10 new staff members, are: Ayla Boggs - Functional Academic Classroom; Aurora Cookhouse, library media specialist; Candice Gockel, instructional technology; Melissa Graham, instrumental music; Katrina Grave, mechanic helper; Courtney Hasenkopt, fourth grade; Mary Hinkley, 7-12 principal/director of special educations; Casey Smith, business office; William Sprossel, bus driver and Derek VonLangen, 7-12 science.

Johnson's philosophy of involving families in the education of their children continues. She urges parents and guardians to reach out to teachers, administrators, or the district office with any concerns.

She said all of the "exceptional staff" is in place and ready to inspire, challenge and support each student.

New this year will be merged sports teams. Gilboa-Conesville and Roxbury have combined for their sports teams this season, due to a steady decline in enrollments. The two communities are committed to providing as many opportunities as possible, which includes the merged teams.  After discussion by the boards of education, it was determined the merger of the two teams was the best way to provide those opportunities for students in both districts.

There will be a unified varsity, junior varsity, and modified teams with the exception of golf and skiing. Providing all three levels ensures students will be playing at the proper level. They will be known as GCR with both the Rocket and Wildcat in the logo.

Murphy, a black Labrador Retriever puppy is in training to become the school facility dog. He is being trained to provide comfort, and support and will eventually go to work with his handlers to assist with academic and social/emotional interventions. He is in training with Paws 2 Connect and will be tested to become a therapy dog as well as a Canine Good Citizen. In the school newsletter, Johnson indicates there is excitement about all of the ways this program will benefit the students.

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