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Home » » Summer Ending Olive Day Festivities

Summer Ending Olive Day Festivities

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 9/15/24 | 9/15/24

Photos by Robert Brune

OLIVE — As we experienced pleasant weather through much of the second half of summer, the Olive Day vendors, entertainers, and visitors were not deterred by the threat of rain. 

The Olive Day is a tradition stretching back forty years which draws a majority of vendors from the local community such as the legendary chainsaw wood sculptor Hoppy (Howard) Quick. Hoppy accompanied by his mother Barbara Quick welcomed admirers of his magnificent foxes, bears, and a fascinating assortment of his popular craftsmanship. 

Another local artist of West Shokan was Astrid Nordness whose ceramic cups were a great example of the homegrown talents dwelling in the surrounding Ashokan reservoir neighboring villages. The colors and great details in each one-of-a-kind piece was a magnificent example of artistry. 

The Ulster County Sheriff’s Department set up a table filled with free bicycle helmets for children as public safety of children returning to school is a top concern. 

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