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Home » » U.S. Chef Ski Club Grand Finale

U.S. Chef Ski Club Grand Finale

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 9/15/24 | 9/15/24

The U.S. Chef Ski Club Pétanque Grand Finale will take place Sunday, September 15th, at 7740 Route 23A, Hunter NY, at the C.B. Pétanque Courts. Registration begins at 8:30 am and team selection will be announced at 9:30 am. Please do not arrive late. Closed toed shoes are required. As part of making it a Grand Day, there will be changes in the usual format; coffee, croissants and danishes will be served during the morning while the tournament is progressing, Plateaux de Charcuterie with Baguettes, cornichons and adequate refreshments will be served during the early afternoon also while the tournament continues. Following the games, at 3:00 pm, Ze Wine Bar at Jägerberg will host the club and their guests, where we will enjoy dinner and a cash bar, and the awards ceremony. Space is limited. The entry fee for all participants and guests is $75. 

Please let us know in advance if you are coming and if you are bringing guests. You can email USCHEFSKICLUB@GMAIL.COM. As a participant, you need to be a registered member of the club. If you are not already a member, you can register that day. Dues are $35.00 for the year.  All boulistes enthusiasts and amateurs are welcome. 

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