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Home » » County Officials Working to Divide up Remaining ARPA Funds

County Officials Working to Divide up Remaining ARPA Funds

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 11/6/24 | 11/6/24

By Chris English

SCHOHARIE COUNTY _ Schoharie County's Board of Supervisors, particularly its American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Committee, will be busy the rest of this year deciding how to divide up the remaining allocation from the federal award given out in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

At its Oct. 24 meeting, the committee heard updates on proposals already allocated funds and also new ones not previously considered. According to an information sheet handed out at the meeting, the county has allocated about $6 million of its original $6.1 million ARPA award, leaving $102,712 unallocated.

However, county Supervisor and ARPA Committee Chair Alicia Terry of Gilboa explained that there is still time for money to be shifted around from one project or purchase to another if it appears some of them might be on track to be under budget and might not need all of the money currently allocated. She reiterated the county has until the end of this year to find specific allocations for the remaining ARPA funds. Those projects or purchases that are allocated funds then have until the end of 2026 to be completed, Terry added.

At the Oct. 24 meeting, the committee heard a request from the town of Seward to allocate ARPA funds for a major upgrade to Seward's wastewater treatment facility estimated to cost $994,000, including a $200,000 contingency.

Milan H. Jackson, President of Lamont Engineers in Cobleskill and a professional representing Seward on the matter, explained that the town had applied for up to $500,000 in funding from the state Department of Environmental Conservation but recently received a letter that the grant request had been rejected because two forms were not signed or dated in the proper place.

Jackson added agencies don't normally reject requests because of such oversights and that he's trying to reach NYDEC officials to revive the request but has so far played phone tag. Seward has also applied for $120,000 in funding from the state Environmental Facilities Corporation for the project and is waiting to hear from that agency, Jackson added.

"Their unresponsiveness is incredible," county Supervisor Donald Airey of Blenheim said, referring to the request for up to $500,000 from NYDEC. "I hope they are not just trying to run out the clock."

The ARPA Committee also heard from Rebecca Schroeder, executive director of the Schoharie County Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, on how the $75,000 it has been allocated in county ARPA funds is being used to foster team awareness, wellness in the workplace and creating a healthy work environment. The council is working with the Oneonta-based LEAF Prevention Council on these kinds of initiatives, Schroeder added.

Executive Director Maggie Jackman-Pryor of the Schoharie Valley Animal Shelter in Howes Cave updated the committee on improvements there slated to use $45,000 in ARPA funds. According to an email from the shelter, work is including a new air conditioning system to replace an outdated, broken one; new dishwasher and commercial sink to replace very old equipment; new cat cages to replace old cages that will not be compliment with the new NYS Shelter Standards Act that goes into effect at the end of 2025; and new outside lighting for the safety of staff and community members who come to the shelter for evening dog walking.

The information sheet handed out at the Oct. 24 ARPA Committee meeting lists 28 projects that have been allocated funds and where each stands. Not on the information sheet but listed at the end of the meeting agenda under "Information only: New proposed projects" are: Cobleskill Library Annex Improvement, Cobleskill Fairgrounds EMS Building Improvement, Cobleskill Fairgrounds Grandstand, Cobleskill Fairgrounds Hall of Agriculture, Cobleskill Fairgrounds WiFi Improvements and Richmondville Sewer District 1 (additional funding).

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