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Family Engagement Group Started at SCS

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 11/6/24 | 11/6/24

By David Avitabile

SCHOHARIE - A new family engagement committee has been convened to help district officials review and update district policies and procedures. 

The SCS school board, of course, has the final say on all board and district policies, but the committee, made up of parents and some staff members, has been meeting and will be making recommendations to the school board, Matthew Wright, SCS director of curriculum and pupil personnel services told board members earlier this month.

The first meeting was an overview, Mr. Wright said. The formation has been discussed for more than five years.

There was good feedback at the initial and a number of topics were discussed including why does a coach have to have four ways to contact students.

The feedback will be recorded on both short and long-term subjects. Potential changes to policies and practices will be further discussed before they are brought back to the  board, Mr. Wright said. He is not sure whether the committee will get to the point where policy changes will be made but they will be talked about.

Mr. Wright was very pleased with the first meeting. "So far so good," he told board members.

It was a very productive meeting and the members will come back with more recommendations for the next meeting.

Another issue brought up was homecoming and how to get alumni and seniors involved. 

He noted that there have been many changes in the district since the pandemic and other ways are needed to reach parents, such as Facebook.

Another issue discussed by the committee was building tools for families.

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