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Home » » New York State Election Information Everyone Should Know

New York State Election Information Everyone Should Know

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 11/6/24 | 11/6/24

Presented by the Delaware County, NY Board of Elections

Q: How can a voter update their registration

(change of name, address, party enrollment)?

A: Voters may use the online voter registration (OVR) portal on the State Board’s web page or a voter registration form downloaded from our county’s website to update their registration.

 Notices of change of name or address from registered voters must be received at least 15 days before an election by the County Board of Elections. An application to change one's party enrollment in any year must be received by the County Board of Elections no later than February 14th in order to vote in that party’s Primary Election(s) for that year.

Q: How are the voter rolls maintained in New York State to ensure they are updated and accurate?

A: County Boards of Elections use approved voter registration systems and software to 

maintain and update the voter registration records of voters within the county. List

Maintenance is one of the most important functions of the County Boards of Elections. 

Voter records are constantly changing as new voters are registered, voters update their

records, statuses of voters change, and voters are purged after moving, dying, becoming

 incarcerated, etc. All list maintenance is conducted by bipartisan teams to ensure the

 process is fair, safe and accurate.~

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