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Home » » SSCS Update

SSCS Update

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 11/6/24 | 11/6/24

By Tori Edwards 

SHARON SPRINGS -- This week at SSCS students are supporting The Annual SADD Red Ribbon Spirit Week. There will be giveaways all week and students will be able to participate in a pledge in support of healthy choices.  

The campaign began Monday with students wearing their favorite band concert shirt. Tuesday is Tie-dye Day, Wednesday is red for Red Ribbon week, Thursday is to dress up as your favorite Halloween costume, and Friday is to dress up like you are living in a different decade. Thursday is the Annual Trunk or Treat in front of the school from 5-7pm. The effort is sponsored by the Sharon Springs Central School PTO and the Sharon Springs After school program.  

The American Red Cross Blood Drive at the school is from 11:30-4pm, anyone 16 years of age or older may participate. Tuesday November 5th, 2024 is Election Day Dinner 4:30-6:30pm in the old gym. The dinner consists of roast beef, mashed potatoes, rolls, vegetables, and dessert. Tickets cost $15 per person. Keep up the school spirit students!  

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