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Home » » $8 Million ARPA Fund Allocation Complete

$8 Million ARPA Fund Allocation Complete

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 12/12/24 | 12/12/24

By Mary A. Crisafulli

DELHI - Delaware County supervisors completed the allocation of the $8,672,706 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) federal funds. ARPA funds are required to be allocated by the end of 2024. Supervisors made one final resolution assigning the remaining $8,500.50 and excess funds from projects previously financed.

Supervisors allocated $500,000 in 2022 to restore the Soldiers Monument at Delhi Courthouse Square. The project, now completed, had a remaining balance of $15,428.64. The Treasurer's Office was awarded $199,650 in 2021 for purchase and maintenance of a delinquent tax collection software. With the software installed, $5,055.83 in surplus funds remains. Additionally, 50 cents of unused funds remain from the Franklin septic system inspection which received an allocation of $4,000 in 2022.

Supervisors elected to reallocate all remaining funds totaling $28,985.47 to the Delaware County Historical Association for a construction project. 

Over 20 projects were funded using ARPA, originally designed to reduce pandemic-related issues. 

One significant project includes the Agricultural and Livestock-Farm Enhancement Program through Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE). The grant program was funded $1.2 million to combat issues due to the pandemic, which disrupted agricultural markets. Qualifying farms could request grants of up to $5,000 for crop production costs or up to $25,000 for improvement projects. 

Another major project was the $2.6 million network upgrade for County systems. Upgrades include expanded remote and wireless capacity, cloud-based storage, and enhanced digital and cyber security.

A contested project was the introduction of a county-wide Emergency Medical Service (EMS) service which after much discussion was ultimately funded with $1.5 million. ARPA will fund the first three years of a contract with American Medical Group (AMR) for a supplemental ambulance service.

Colchester Supervisor Art Merrill thanked Hamdon Supervisor Wayne Marshfield and the ARPA Committee for their work in reviewing projects and recommending allocations.

In other business:

Supervisors employed the Treasurer office to levy delinquent school taxes with a 7% penalty to total $6,845,395.59. Supervisors also set the tax levy for special districts and towns which can be reviewed by visiting The total tax levy for the county is $36,473,067.25.

Supervisors paid the monthly bills of $2,051,584.86.

Monthly Board of Supervisors meetings were scheduled for the 2025 year. A schedule of meetings can be found on the county website.

The 40 election voting machines will be replaced by Clear Ballot Group of Boston at $589,000. The machines have been in use since 2010.

The Department of Emergency Services was awarded two grants through the NYS Division of Homeland Security. Funds of $20,598 will be used to purchase portable radios and related communications equipment. The department will purchase a computer-aided dispatch and records management system for $85,356.

The Department of Mental Health was authorized to purchase a color printer at $5,145.

Supervisors paid costs of $50,044.74 incurred through inpatient psychiatric care for inmates during criminal defense proceedings.

The organizational meeting is scheduled Wednesday, Jan. 8 at 1 p.m.

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