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Home » » Grinch Steals Christmas Decoration from Gallupville Fire Department

Grinch Steals Christmas Decoration from Gallupville Fire Department

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 12/12/24 | 12/12/24


GALLUPVILLE — A large Christmas decoration was stolen from the front lawn of the Gallupville Fire Department in the dark hours between Saturday night and Sunday morning. Members of the GFD noticed the decoration, a seven-foot-long inflatable red truck with Santa at the wheel, was missing late Sunday after responding to a call. A penguin, a snowman, a Christmas tree, and a Gingerbread man are behind Santa in the bed of the red truck. The thieves had rolled up the extension cord, left it near the building along School St., and left other inflatable decorations that GFD had set up in anticipation of their annual French Toast Breakfast with Santa on December 21st untouched. In a social media post, the GFD expressed their disappointment and requested that the thieves return the decoration to the station with no questions asked. 

The GFD community breakfasts have been successful this year. The meals are always offered by donation, with the idea that no one should be unable to attend due to financial hardships. The upcoming French Toast Breakfast with Santa will continue that trend and close out an active year for the GFD, which has, to date, responded to over 100 calls in 2024. The Breakfast with Santa will begin at 8:00 am on December 21st, with Santa and Mrs. Claus visiting from 9:00 am- 11:00 am. All the food is prepared and served by the volunteers of the Gallupville Fire Department. Visit the Gallupville Fire Department’s Facebook page for their post about the stolen decoration, the upcoming community breakfast, and how to get involved. 

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