By David Avitabile
MIDDLEBURGH - Middleburgh village board members earlier this month approved a slate of new code enforcement fees.
The village code enforcement officer provides a number of services to residents, including mobile food prep vehicle inspections and fire inspections for multi-unit residences.
Board members noted that the salary of the codes officer can be partially offset through increased revenue from the fees for these services.
At their December 2 meeting, board members increased the fees for both services.
Village board members noted that all current building permits will be exempted from the increases.
The following are the fee increases:
* Mobile food prep vehicle inspection (food trucks)> $20 per vehicle.
* Fire inspections: Three or more dwellings: $20 per unit.
* Building permits: Roofs, $50 per structure. There is currently no charge but Mayor Tim Knight noted there is more liability for this work.
* Building permits: Renewals, Year one, 10 percent of the building permit. Year two, 50 percent of the permit. Year three, 100 percent of the permit. Currently there is no charge to renew as there is in most other municipalities.
The fees have not been changed in several years and the code's expenses have been subsidized by other parts of the village budget, officials said.
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In other action, board members:
* Approved the standard work days for retirement.
* Approved the firemen's benefit law.
* Set the year-end meeting for Monday, December 30, at 7pm.
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