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Home » » Remembering the Four Chaplains Who gave their full measure of devotion to God and Country

Remembering the Four Chaplains Who gave their full measure of devotion to God and Country

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 12/8/24 | 12/8/24

The Schoharie County American Legion is offering to provide the Story of the Four Chaplains to churches throughout Schoharie County this coming February 2025. All we ask is to visit your church on a Sunday in February. 

Legionnaires have a prepared service that lasts for twenty or so minutes in which we introduce the congregation to Lt. Alexander D. Goode, A Jewish rabbi; Lt. George L. Fox, A Methodist reverend; Lt. Clark V. Poling: A Dutch Reformed reverend; and Lt. John P. Washington, A Roman Catholic priest, all United States Army Chaplains serving during World War II. While in transit in the North Atlantic Ocean, their transit ship was torpedoed and sank. What is so important to know is the Chaplain banded together to aid and assist the injured and those who survived the initial blast.  The ship sank in a short period, but during it, the chaplains gave out life preservers to soldiers until there were no more left, and they all took theirs off for others.  As the Bible tells us in John 15:13

13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. King James Version

We will share the story of the Four Chaplains who died in World War II while saving the lives of others:

The Schoharie County American Legion has an honored tradition of remembering the Four Chaplains, their service, and sacrifice during February. If our schedule permits, the Legion has held two services on a single Sunday in two separate churches. We look forward to contacting as many churches throughout Schoharie County as possible, especially in the county’s southern area. If your church is interested, please contact Richard Smith, Chairman of the Schoharie County Legion’s Four Chaplain Services, by email at or by phone at 518-332-5615.

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