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Home » » Successful Parade of Lights in Sharon Springs

Successful Parade of Lights in Sharon Springs

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 12/12/24 | 12/12/24

American Legion Post 1269 and Ladies Auxillary pose for a photo after the parade!

Starting off the Sharon Springs Parade of Lights right with this expertly lit-up John Deere tractor!

By Alexis Pencar

SHARON SPRINGS — This past Friday evening, December 6th, the Sharon Springs Parade of Lights was a huge hit, despite the frigid temperatures! The highly anticipated annual celebration started at the Sharon Springs Central School and then made its way out to Route 20, wrapping its way around to the Sharon Springs Fire House! With plenty in attendance, there was no shortage of smiles!

Prior to the parade start, The American Legion presented their Wreath Ceremony at the Memorials in front of SSCS with the Tree Lighting just after! With lots of “ohhhs and ahhhs” at the Lighting, the cumulative efforts of many were recognized.

There were lots of parade floats, lit-up tractors, and of course all the lights! With lots of support from the community from local businesses, this was quite the turnout. Many SSCS students dressed up and participated and then of course Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus at the end of the lineup! They all made their way to the Fire House to warm up with fresh-baked cookies and a make-your-own hot chocolate bar! With cookies and hot chocolate in hand, families waited to see Santa and Mrs. Claus for a photo and children even received a present too!

This wonderful event was hosted by the Sharon Springs PTO with generous donations and support from: Sharon Hill Garage, R.L. Parsons, Brimstone Bakery, Chick's Painting, Dan Cornwell, Larry Molinaro, Ashley and Rodney Bean, Gary Hotaling, John Hopkins Tattoo, Blairs Garage Doors, Lappeus Funeral Home, Sage-Femme Midwifery, Jungle Lounge, Blue Star Farm, Stone House Farm, EC Buck Industries, Rob Keller Construction, Townline, A&H Forestry, Melissa Olsen, Cobbler and Company, Tim Simpson Logging, and Dollar General Warehouse.

Without all the support this event would not be possible. If you are interested in participating next year, please contact SSCS. This brought smiles and joy to everyone and shows how strong Sharon Springs and the surrounding area is.

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