By David Avitabile
MIDDLEBURGH - Grants dollars are out there for the taking and Middleburgh village officials are seeking the public's help to receive those funds.
Village officials are seeking funding for sewer extension, Main Street improvements, and other projects but the village cannot afford them without outside help.
"We're getting to a point," village Trustee Bob Tinker said Monday, "where things are so expensive you can't do them without grants."
In order to help the village win grants, they will be seeking the public's help.
The village will be putting a survey in the next water and sewer bill to ask residents what their needs and wants are for the village. "Sometimes we need more info," Trustee Tinker said. The data from the survey would be important for grant applications. The village will also be asking for residents to join a grants committee, which would also work with the county, SEEC, and a group from the Mohawk Valley.
Meetings have been help on grants, Trustee Tinker noted.
"There's lots of money out there. We need to get serious." Unfortunately, many grants require matching funds, which prevents the village from applying for them, Trustee Tinker said. The village needs to look for grants with small match or no match amounts, Trustee Tinker added.
Diligence is key, officials said.
"We need to keep at it or we'll never get it," Trustee Tinker noted.
The village has been pushing for a downtown grant for several years to improve sidewalks and building facades, and other items. The project, Trustee Tinker, has to be "shovel ready" and the village needs to work with their engineers.
Officials noted that the county needs a grant writer.
Trustee Kevin Young noted that there are many grants available for housing.
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