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Home » » Summit to Discuss Potential Unsafe Building Law

Summit to Discuss Potential Unsafe Building Law

Written By The Mountain Eagle on 1/23/25 | 1/23/25

By Karen Cuccinello

SUMMIT — The January regular Summit town board meeting opened with mention of the December board minutes that were adopted at the organizational meeting and the supervisors report was approved.

The clerk and Dog Control Officer (DCO) reports were mentioned and needed no further discussion. No other reports from other departments.

Building Code Enforcement Officer Jesse Wilcox stated that he is keeping up on open building permits, sent out two remedy orders and did not hand out any new building permits. He mentioned that James Morrell is willing to offer a white goods pick up day in Summit. The Board would like to talk to him about this at the February 20th board meeting.

Historian Karen Cuccinello stated that the article for the Maple Festival booklet about Revolutionary Veterans with Connections to Summit was submitted and the article written by last summer's intern Elise, about Fourth of July celebrations was published in the Schoharie County Historical Review.

Councilperson Georgia Shafer reported on the revitalization meeting. The unified postings subcommittee has tabled the proposed Summit Facebook page while waiting to see if Schoharie County launches a Facebook page. The Local Law subcommittee is making progress on a Site Plan review. A draft of an Unsafe Building Law, that is on the town website, will be discussed at the February board meeting. Farmers Market subcommittee decided that a stand-alone market was not feasible but could work in conjunction with other events. The Complete Streets subcommittee will be making a presentation at a board meeting. A Public Park subcommittee was formed to look into a possible Summit Park. Next Revitalization Committee meeting is February 5 at the town hall 7pm.

John Foote mentioned that the Comprehensive Plan is now listed as approved on the Summit website

Board members reviewed and adopted contracts with the Schoharie County Animal Shelter and DCO, Jillian Smith.

The meeting was open to the public.

A couple of people asked if the highway department could put more sand and salt on the roads and plow earlier in the morning as the roads are sometimes very slippery. Supervisor Vroman mentioned that the roads are very difficult to keep totally clear due to the amount of snow we are getting, the low temperatures that don't allow much melting and staying within the budget due to the high cost of sand.

They also asked if anything can be done for better visibility and slowing people down at the four-way stop in Charlotteville. Supervisor Vroman suggested calling the police when they see people blowing through the four-way and will look into what else can be done.

Another person asked if the Summit Neighbors do become the owners of the Green Space, at about 2852 Rte. 10, does it come off the tax rolls; answer yes. Will the low percentage of response to the Comprehensive Plan survey be listed in the plan; answer yes. Also asked about the Board reviewing and lessening all the building code rules, regulations and costs in order to make it easier for people, especially younger adults, to build in Summit.

The Bear Gulch Association gave the Board a copy of their Bear Gulch Emergency Plan.

A representative of Aflac Insurance would like to make a presentation to the Board about their dental and vision plan for town employees; approved.

The regular meeting was recessed and the Board began a review of the town audit.

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