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Opinion: Holmes in Cobleskill

Written By Editor on 11/4/13 | 11/4/13

This year's election cycle brings many lynchpin races to our County. One of the largest is for the most powerful executive of all of the County villages. Cobleskill has been mired in economic doldrums since the middle of the last decade and has not had the leadership needed to right itself.

Mike Sellers started the trend, accentuated by the 2008 Great Recession and followed by a term of confusion before Mark Galasso took over in 2010. Mr. Galasso is a smart businessman and has shown in his personal life that he knows how to turn a profit. Unfortunately, he has also shown with his Route 7 water deal that he is able to turn a personal profit from efforts on behalf of taxpayers.

His single minded support for the dissolution of the Village of Cobleskill is unfounded and in poor taste following revelations that Town taxes would inevitably jump in the process. Dissolution can be studied but should not be carried out. As Mr. Galasso has said in the past-- a vote for him is a vote for dissolution. If you do not want dissolution, then holding back a vote for either is a smart idea.

Linda Holmes has served her community for decades in various capacities. Her ability to corral resources and people for many goals is a worthy skill and a great indication of what she would do as Mayor. Holmes' tenure on the Village Board has been one of a pensive, caring individual that has the governmental experience to be able to carry out the job-- and carry it out well.

Mr. Galasso is a smart, cultured man that was clearly out of place as Mayor of Cobleskill and should return to the family business. Linda Holmes has all of the qualities that residents of Cobleskill should want to lead the community for the next two years.
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