After years of passionate debate over former Mayor Mark Galasso's proposal to dissolve the Village of Cobleskill into either the Town government, or an incredibly far-fetched idea that sought to create the "City of Cobleskill," residents of the county's economic and population hub can now look toward the future of their municipality without the constant drumbeat of self-destruction that their previous administration was so fond of pounding.
It goes without saying that the Schoharie News is pleased with last month's election of former Village Trustee Linda Holmes to not only serve as Mayor of Cobleskill, but also as a promoter of stronger and more interactive government within the community. A vision Mayor Holmes started working on day one with the creation of an official facebook page for Village government, resembling that of Middleburgh's, in order to dually inform the public of government related news and community events.
While it is not earth shattering, it is definitely a small step in the right direction by signaling her administration is concerned with the promotion and strength of the community at large, whereas her predecessor was intent on its unequivocal dissolution despite the public and the data showing it was counter productive and based on the false premise of cost savings.
Only time will reveal whether Mayor Holmes term is successful in strengthening the community and putting the ill-conceived idea of dissolution behind them, but after eight years of either unpopular mayors or unconstructive administrations ranging from that of Michael Sellers to Mark Nadeau to finally Mark Galasso holding reign of Cobleskill, she can only lead the Village toward a better position than it has been.
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