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Home » » Vote Brigading Mars Cherry Opinion Poll

Vote Brigading Mars Cherry Opinion Poll

Written By Editor on 2/4/14 | 2/4/14

In a case of vote birgading, hundreds of additional votes were added to our recent Schoharie News poll, sometimes dozens in just several minutes. The week-long poll is of course unscientific, but severe issues plagued this one, which does have rudimentary blocks to prevent repeat voting but is not foolproof.

According to the poll, which had heavy periods of "no" votes once the "yes" reached over 50%.

The numbers, likely inaccurate wound up at:

Do You Approve of County Treasurer William Cherry's Job Performance?

Yes:  485: 42.7%

No: 648: 55%: 57.0%
Undecided: 4: 0.3%

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