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Showing posts with label poll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poll. Show all posts

Trump Leading in Newest Schoharie News Poll

Written By Editor on 10/29/16 | 10/29/16

The Schoharie News' latest poll places Donald Trump significantly in the lead of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The non-scientific poll, which ran for three weeks on our website, collected 129 votes. Of these, 66, or 51% sided with Trump. Clinton gained 31, or 24%, with Gary Johnson and Jill Stein taking 8% and 3%, respectively. Another 14% stated that they would either vote for another candidate or none of the above.

If the undecided individuals were removed from the equation, the situation would look slightly different. Clinton would improve to 28%, Trump to 59%, Johnson to 9%, and Stein to 4%. While this poll was conducted online, the Schoharie News' polling before the 2014 Governor's race was close to the actual results. Take a look online for our newest poll, regarding the Congressional race.

Vote in Our Poll: Your Choice for President

Written By Editor on 10/9/16 | 10/9/16

2016 has proven one of the most interesting election cycles in memory. With the debate tonight, it seemed fitting to have our poll be about the race. Make sure to vote in our poll, located on the right hand column of the site. We'll be publishing the results later this week.

New Poll: Should Your Supervisor be Re-elected?

Written By Cicero on 5/28/15 | 5/28/15

With the 2015 election season starting to fire up in Schoharie County, our poll question this week concerns whether or not you believe your incumbent Town Supervisor should be re-elected this November if he or she chooses to seek another term. What are your thoughts? The poll is open on the right hand sidebar until Saturday morning.

New Poll: Is Memorial Day Important to you?

Written By Cicero on 5/21/15 | 5/21/15

With Memorial Day fast approaching, The Schoharie News is submitting the following question to our readers: is Memorial Day important to you? The poll, located on the right-hand sidebar, is open until Saturday morning. Please feel free to leave additional thoughts on the comments section or on facebook.

New Poll: Is Seebold Farm Right Spot for new Jail?

Written By Cicero on 5/13/15 | 5/13/15

County, federal, and state officials recently announced that FEMA will relocate Schoharie County's Public Safety Facility outside of the flood zone, but many residents are balking at the new jail's proposed location at Seebold Farm on Route 30.

Citing safety concerns and Schoharie's image to tourists coming into the Schoharie Valley, the spot has been criticized. The Schoharie County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to approve Seebold's at the June 2014 county board meeting.

Other locations, including property in Central Bridge and the Summit Shock Facility, have been suggested as possible alternate sites.

What are your thoughts: did the county make the right call, or is the for sale property a bad location? Please vote in our poll on the right hand sidebar and let us know.

Poll: Plurality Supports Sanders over Clinton for Dem Nom

Written By Cicero on 5/9/15 | 5/9/15

National pundits have all but proclaimed Hillary Clinton as the Democrat Party's 2016 nominee, but Schoharie County residents have a different candidate in mind to lead the Party of Jefferson in the next presidential election. 

Receiving 43% of votes cast, Independent turned Democrat U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont carried the unscientific poll with a narrow plurality over the former U.S. Secretary of State and one-time U.S. Senator from New York.

Although the polling sample is relatively small, Schoharie Democrats do have a track record of supporting insurgent progressives, such as Zephyr Teachout, when she challenged Governor Cuomo in last fall's gubernatorial primary. 

Total votes - 87

Bernie Sanders - 38 (43%)
Hillary Clinton - 32 (36%)
James Webb      - 9 (10%)
Martin O'Malley - 4 (4%)
Joseph Biden     - 3 (3%)
Lincoln Chafee -  1 (1%)

Vote in Our New Poll: Who do you Support for the Democrat 2016 Nomination?

Written By Cicero on 5/2/15 | 5/2/15

Yes, it's that time of the election cycle again - candidates are lining up on the left and right of each other to run for President in 2016. With President Obama term-limited, both parties will be holding primaries to determine nominees. 

Thus far, several candidates have announced for both the Democratic and Republican nominations, with former United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton the presumable front-runner in next November's general election.

So, beginning with the announced, soon to announce, and rumored candidates on the Democratic side, who do you support for their nomination? The poll is located on the right-hand sidebar and will remain open until next Friday. 

Poll: Readers Split on Remaining A Part of New York

Written By Cicero on 3/1/15 | 3/1/15

Readers don't want Schoharie County to become a part of Pennsylvania, but not by a wide margin according to a recent survey. While a strong plurality opposes the idea, a majority of votes cast are either in favor of leaving New York or decided.

Would you support Schoharie County joining Pennsylvania?

Yes - 43% - 74
No - 49% - 84
Don't know - 8% - 13

Note: As we transition our coverage, this is the last poll we will be running for a couple of weeks. 

Vote in Our New Poll: Seceding from New York

Written By Editor on 2/21/15 | 2/21/15

Make sure to vote in our new poll on the sidebar. If there was a way to secede from New York and join Pennsylvania, especially if an adjoining County did so, such as Delaware, would you support such a move?

Poll: Readers Skeptical of Lape Chairmanship

Written By Editor on 2/1/15 | 2/1/15

Readers are skeptical of the coming term of new County Board Chair Richard Lape. Some readers see fit to give the Richmondville Supervisor a chance for his one year term while nearly half would choose someone else. A large portion is still undecided.

 Do You Approve of Richard Lape Being Chosen Chair?

Yes 33% - 52 
No 47% - 74 
Don't know 19% - 30 
156 total

Poll: Public Split on Effects of Fracking

Written By Editor on 1/18/15 | 1/18/15

With gas prices plunging across the country, the effects of fracking are split among Schoharie News readers. Some want the practice elsewhere with a similar number declaring that gas prices should not be a factor. Even was the idea about environmental degradation versus local fracking.

 Have Low Gas Prices Affected Your View on Fracking?

- Yes-- it's fine but not in my backyard 15% - 17
- Yes-- perhaps we can drill here 35% - 40
- No-- it shows how much the environment has been degraded 35% - 40
- No-- who cares about low gas prices? 14% - 16
113 total

Vote in Our New Poll: Affects of Gas Prices and Fracking

Written By Editor on 1/12/15 | 1/12/15

Make sure to vote in our new poll regarding the effects of falling gas prices, mainly due to fracking on your opinion of the practice.

Poll: Most See County as Corrupt

Readers believe by an overwhelming margin that corruption is still embedded in local government. In fact, a quarter believe that corruption today has surpassed even the levels under Cassandra Ethington several years ago.

Do You Think That Corruption Has been Removed from County Government?
Virtually all of it 2% - 3
 Mostly 10% - 17
 No 63% - 107
 It's worse than ever 25% - 42
 169 total

Vote in Our Poll: Corruption in Schoharie County

Written By Editor on 1/5/15 | 1/5/15

Vote in the poll on our sidebar and weigh in on whether or not corruption has been removed from the County government.

Poll: Howe Caverns Proposal Was Flawed

Written By Editor on 1/4/15 | 1/4/15

Schoharie News readers believe by a small margin that the proposal prepared by Howe Caverns for a casino project was heavily flawed.

Why Do You Think NYS Rejected the Howe Caverns Casino?

Politics as usual 36% - 106
Howe Caverns' proposal had major flaws 36% - 107
Schenectady had better proposal 8% - 23 
All of the above 18% - 53 
Other don't know 2% - 7 
292 total

Vote in Our New Poll: Have We Recovered from Irene?

Written By Editor on 12/14/14 | 12/14/14

Make sure to vote in our newest poll. Has the Valley from Blenheim on up properly recovered from Hurricane Irene?
Has the Valley Recovered from Irene? free polls

Vote in Our Poll: Do You Support Pipeline Decision?

Written By Cicero on 12/7/14 | 12/7/14

FERC made headlines several weeks ago by declaring the Constitution Pipeline environmentally safe. Last week they made more waves by approving the project, leading to a timetable where it could start construction within several months.

What do you think?
Do You Support FERC's Decision to Approve the Constitution Pipeline? free polls

Poll: Readers Support a New Party

Schoharie News readers are not pleased with the direction of local politics. Most readers that voted in the most recent poll state that they wish there was a third party available for choice. A strong minority back the local Republican Party with a smaller proportion believing that both parties are about equally right.

How Would You Describe Current Politics in Schoharie County?

- The local Republicans are usually right 25% - 26 
- The local Democrats are usually right 6% - 6 
- The two parties are about equally right 18% - 19 
- I wish there was a local third party 51% - 54 
 105 total

Poll: Middleburgh Prettiest Downtown in County

Written By Editor on 11/23/14 | 11/23/14

Schoharie News readers are overwhelming in their assessment of the prettiest downtown in Schoharie County. By a wide margin, readers decided that Middleburgh is the most attractive with Schoharie in a distant second and Cobleskill and Sharon in a near tie.

Which Community Has the Prettiest Downtown?

Blenheim 3% - 8
Broome 1% - 2
Carlisle 2% - 5
Cobleskill 5% - 13
Conesville 1% - 2
Esperance 0% - 1
Fulton 3% - 7
Gilboa 2% - 4
Jefferson 1% - 3
Middleburgh 61% - 155
Richmondville 1% - 3
Schoharie 13% - 34
Sharon 6% - 14
Summit 1% - 2
Wright 0% - 1
254 total 

Poll: Yes to County Power Utility

Written By Editor on 11/16/14 | 11/16/14

Almost ten years after the original idea was brought up at the County level, local residents back the creation of a local power utility. Specifics would be up to the County Board, but with broad public support it may be workable if any members back it with enough vigor.

Would You Support A County Electric Utility?

Yes 69% - 75
No 20% - 22
Don't know 10% - 11
108 total

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