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Poll: Public Split on Effects of Fracking

Written By Editor on 1/18/15 | 1/18/15

With gas prices plunging across the country, the effects of fracking are split among Schoharie News readers. Some want the practice elsewhere with a similar number declaring that gas prices should not be a factor. Even was the idea about environmental degradation versus local fracking.

 Have Low Gas Prices Affected Your View on Fracking?

- Yes-- it's fine but not in my backyard 15% - 17
- Yes-- perhaps we can drill here 35% - 40
- No-- it shows how much the environment has been degraded 35% - 40
- No-- who cares about low gas prices? 14% - 16
113 total
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Anonymous said...

This poll trolling journalism is pretty pathetic. Three sentences and then poll results. That's it?

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